Mission: Nepal 2012
Two Evangelic Expeditions to Nepal in 2012!

Orphans outside Kathmandu.
When: Nov. 4-18.
Purpose: To continue work with indigenous workers in Kathmandu and visit remote villages. Also, partnership with a team from Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY, USA to serve an orphanage that is supported by Project 1:27.
Estimated cost: $2,800 for orphanage workers and $3,600 for trekkers. These prices, include airfare, ground transport, accommodations and food.
To apply: E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application. (Deadline for applications: June 15, 2012.)
When: Jan. 17-Feb. 4.
Purpose: Return to Dapcha to visit the SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) church funded by Climbing For Christ and hold church-leader training and a possible medical clinic. Explore the possibility of building the church (the body of believers) and constructing physical churches in other villages in Central and Mid-Western Nepal. Additionally, trek Langtang National Park to reach remote villages with the Gospel.
Estimated cost: $3,500, including airfare, ground transport, accommodations, food, and a seven-day trek in Langtang National park.
CLICK HERE to read Dispatches.
CLICK HERE for Trip Report.