Project 1:27 Malawi
Climbing For Christ was introduced to the plight of Searchlight Orphan Care in Malawi, Africa on Oct. 25, 2009, when a thief broke into the orphanage and robbed all of the children’s food.
Seven bags of maize, two bags of beans, five liters of cooking oil, and 20 packets of sugar. A month’s worth of food for 15 orphans cared for by Pastor Duncan Nyozani’s ministry.
God provided through Climbing For Christ, as we were able to wire our Malawi member US$500 to replenish that which had been stolen. But through this unfortunate event, our heavenly Father opened a door. He introduced us to a need in this central African nation.
Project 1:27 — based on James 1:27 (“look after orphans and widows in distress”) — was born.
Project 1:27 Malawi will assist Pastor Duncan and Searchlight Orphan Care (Far & Wide Children's Home) in ministering to the children in the Migowi area in the southern part of Malawi. One child can be fed and cared for for at little as US$30-$50 a month. You can sponsor one of these children — or a child the Lord will use us to reach.
CLICK HERE to sponsor a child.