The Word for all
Mission Moment (Wednesday, May 16)
We were blessed to wire US$750 to Evangelist Haseeb Masih of Save Pakistan Ministries as part of Project Living Word. Nearly 550 Bibles have been purchased for Pakistan to date. Here is Haseeb’s report from Pakistan:
Evangelist Haseeb preaches from the Word before delivering Urdu Bibles.
The Word of God should be in the hands of every human being living on the Earth. “Without the Bible,” evangelical leader John R.W. Stott once said, “world evangelization would not only be impossible, but actually inconceivable.”
Save Pakistan has distributed 70 Urdu Bibles among the most targeted and needy people in Pakistan. People were really blessed and thankful to Climbing For Christ ministries to provide them with the precious gifts of Bibles.
The Bible is the greatest blessing for mankind. It has all that we need to know and to live peacefully. It also teaches truths to prepare ourselves for eternity.
Save Pakistan is really thankful to Climbing For Christ for providing Bibles for the new believers and thankful to Jesus Christ that hundreds of people have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.
Our mission is to touch and reach people and their lives through the promises of God delivered for us 2,000 years ago. We want people to be aware of the real Truth because the Bible has answers for every question that arises in our daily lives – past, present and future.
Why is the Bible essential for the Christian life?
The word of God is the light unto the feet. (Psalm 119:105)
The word of God is spiritual food for the soul. (John 4:32-34)
The word of God is the way for our life. (Luke 4:4)
The word of God reveals the perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)
The word of God brings life and hope into our life. (Hebrews 4:12)
The Word of God is the first gift that we can give to bless the needy and hungry people in Pakistan.
Please keep praying as we are moving to other places to distribute free Urdu Bibles to the needy people in Pakistan. Your prayers will be helpful for us to keep moving in his harvest in Pakistan.
If you would like to help support this work, send your gift to Climbing For Christ, c/o “Project Living Word,” P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA.