DISPATCH: Sunday, Jan. 15

Gary Fallesen

DISPATCH: Sunday, Jan. 15

As our team prepares to GO, we share our prayers for the weeks ahead.

Brandy Everts: “I pray that God would give us the strength to do everything He has planned for us and that we would be stretched and challenged so that we are molded more into His image and the final product is that He gets ALL the glory!”

Gary Fallesen: “That we would boldly, fearlessly and lovingly walk through the doors God is opening for us. Here we go, Lord, have Your way.”

Marissa Gardiner: “My prayer is for more salvations than we think possible.”

Megh Gurung: “My prayer is to see God through the team and me. His kingdom come and will be done. May we also be sowers of the seeds, win souls, and praise God from the mountains.”

Pastor Tej Rokka: “It is my prayer that God moves (among the people) at Dapcha as we teach and pray for them. Here are my other prayers:

  • “Revival in the Dapcha SARA church.
  • “God may touch our hearts to make plans to repair and reconstruct our old church house at Dapcha so that we can use it for mission work.
  • “I want to see at least 10 people coming to Christ at Dapcha, on the Langtang trek or any other place we visit.
  • “One more new church build project to be created.

“Please pray for these desires.”

Dave Stoessel: “I keep picturing my heart filling with the Holy Spirit and overflowing. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will fill all of our hearts and overflow into those who God puts in our path throughout Mission: Nepal. I also pray that our team meshes together to penetrate the dark corners of Nepal with the Light of the Word, and that that the Nepali Christians we encounter, who are but a small minority in their own nation, will inspire all of us with the depth of their faith.”


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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