Fundraiser buys 1,016 Nepali Bibles
Mission Moment (Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012)
We were blessed by a Spirit-led outpouring of giving from our “Put a Climbing Helmet On!” fundraiser, featuring Christian comedian Brad Stine on Jan. 6 in Rochester, NY, USA. Brad was divinely inspired during the show to ask an audience of more than 400 to help Climbing For Christ deliver 1,000 Bibles to Nepal. “God definitely wanted to anoint your mission,” Brad said after.
More than US$5,550 was raised. Those funds were wired today to Pastor Tej Rokka, the Climbing For Christ member who leads ministry partner SARA (Savior Alone Reaches Asians) in Kathmandu, Nepal. Pastor Tej was able to order 1,016 Bibles with those funds. They are scheduled to be delivered on Thursday.
“I do rejoice with you for the money that was raised for the Bibles,” Tej said. “Praise God for the Living Word project. Climbing For Christ and SARA ministries are truly honored and blessed to be a blessing for thousands of Nepalese. Once again, to God be the glory, and thank you so much.”
Why 1,000 Bibles?
Tej had explained before our “Put a Climbing Helmet On!” show: “The average laborer in Nepal makes US$3 per day. One Holy Bible costs US$5-$6. Imagine at least 4 members in a family depend on one man’s daily wages. How can he or she buy a Bible in such a situation? Without the Word of God, how can they know God and His plan for their life? It is an honor and privilege to give the Word of God freely. And many communities and village people cannot afford a Bible, but they need to hear the Word that is written in the Bible. So please consider praying for this project.”
Besides, Tej added, that was the number God gave him to request prior to our fundraiser. He made the request, we prayed about it, and the Lord answered. Praise Him!