Flooding devastates Nepal

Gary Fallesen

Flooding devastates Nepal

Fleeing floods in Nepal.

Praying, giving before we GO again to Nepal

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

Heavy monsoon rains have produced disastrous results in Nepal this summer.

“Here, (there) is too much raining and there is flooding and landslides on the mountainsides,” Megh Gurung, Climbing For Christ’s kingdom worker, said Monday (Aug. 14) from Kathmandu. “All the roads are damaged and no one can get to their own destinations. People have been suffering.”

Flooding does not garner the media attention that natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes demand, so news of Nepal’s suffering has not been widespread. We have seen photos posted on Facebook by members such as Megh and Dapcha Pastor Gopal. But we needed to search online for news stories on the subject.

I did this after Pastor Tej Rokka, a long-time C4C member and ministry partner, emailed an appeal on Monday.

“You might have heard, watched and read news regarding massive floods in Nepal during this week through social media, TV, newspapers,” Tej wrote. “If you haven’t yet got the chance to read and hear this tragic news, please try to find out and kindly pray for this situation.

“We are helpless here in the midst of a huge mess and the cry of people who are indeed in urgent need of rescue, relief help and rehabilitation. My heart is so heavy, burdened, and my eyes are full of tears and my hands are ready to open with little things to address this situation. I talked to my church people, leaders and ministers here locally and we are ready to give away our five loaves and two fish toward flood and landslide victims. As there are hundreds of thousands of people in need, we are praying and trusting God to multiply our resources. We are humbly requesting you consider prayerfully this need.”

Fifty-eight of Nepal’s 75 districts are reportedly affected by flooding, including Humla, where our Mission: Nepal 2017, Part 2 team will trek next month. Humla has experienced landslides. Nationwide, about 100 people are dead or missing. Most of the worst flooding is along the southern border and also is impacting India and Bangladesh.

The Nepal Red Cross has warned that shortages of drinking water and food could create a humanitarian crisis.

Please pray for those who are enduring this flooding disaster. If the Spirit moves, you can help Tej and SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) ministries serve those in need by sending a financial gift to Climbing For Christ c/o Nepal Flood Relief, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616. Or CLICK HERE to give online via PayPal.

In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Nepal Flood Relief.  Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or CLICK HERE to give online.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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