Giving youth adult-size opportunities
A vocational skills center for youth opens in southern Malawi hoping to help young people and help elders who care for them. This could counter the high dropout rate from schools and help end the cultural practice of child marriages.
State of disaster declared: feeding the hungry
A state of disaster was declared in most of Malawi because of drought conditions caused by El Nino. The most urgent need is food because of the huge number of people at risk of hunger.
God’s Word and healing prayers in Tanzania
Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters continue to learn to be disciples who make disciples, and healing prayers are delivered to their small groups who are studying the Bible together.
Houses divided
Nowhere to stay. Many widows in southern Malawi remain in temporary housing since Tropical Cyclone Freddy washed away houses and villages in March. Climbing For Christ continues a rebuilding project. Help is needed.
Introducing “Sponsor A Teacher.” You can support a teacher for $150 a month. You can be part of the miracle that Jean Ronal Michel has seen or pour into the giving heart of someone like Venold Cine. Help educated hundreds of children in the mountains of Haiti in villages where there were no schools before Climbing For Christ started them.
Tropical Cyclone Freddy’s updates
Tropical Cyclone Freddy devastated an already reeling – constantly hurting – southern Malawi, where Kingdom worker Damson Samson and ministry partner Pastor Duncan Nyozani live. This is one of the poorest parts of one of the world’s poorest nations. Hunger is an almost constant companion. Now thousands are homeless, and hundreds are dead and missing after days of rain and floods.
The Light on the mountain
Haiti was a desperate, uninviting place when we first went there in 2005. But it was bad long before we arrived, and it has gotten worse since. “Almost no missionaries are traveling to Haiti at present. The risk of kidnapping – the risk of simply driving past areas where gang snipers indiscriminately shoot an average of six victims a week – is too high.” Yet the work GOes on, thanks to Climbing For Christ’s New Generation – home-grown laborers.
Food for the soul
Madness in Migowi
A violent mob attacks ministry partner Pastor Duncan Nyozani's home in southern Malawi, looting and destroying everything on his property. Were they looking for someone or something?
By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ
We will tell about “the amazing things He does” (1 Chronicles 16:24). His “glorious deeds” have included providing food and housing to widows in Malawi, setting free children who are slaves in brick factories in Pakistan, loving on orphans in Nepal, and more.