Gilbert Lindor

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2024, Bios

Gilbert Lindor

Gilbert in the mountains of Haiti.

Nationality: Haitian. Dominican resident. Occupation: Medical school student and Kingdom worker of Climbing For Christ in Haiti; leader of C4C’s New Generation (C4CNG).

How long have you climbed? Grew up in the Chaine de la Selle range. Type of climbing you do: Hiking. Highlights of climbing career: My trip to Mazoranj in 2019 and Kalimet in 2020. (Both villages are located in the mountains.)

How long have you been a Christian? Since age 16. Type of ministries you are blessed to serve in: C4CNG leader.

Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Psalm 94:17: “Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.” I believe that if God were not there to help me when I had a simple fall and this led me to lose consciousness for several days, I would be dead. (Gilbert suffered a compound fracture to his leg in his home village of Gentilhomme. He did not receive medical treatment because there was no medical assistance nearby and his father did not know what to do – he simply wrapped Gilbert’s leg and left him in his room. Twenty-seven days later, C4C’s worker at the time found Gilbert near death. We evacuated him to the Dominican Republic where his gangrened leg was amputated to save his life.)

Special “God moment” you’d like to share: My entrance to the university. At the moment of entering, the security told me they do not accept people who come to ask for alms (money). I did not respond, but a friend who was there first said, “He comes to study here.” This senior later became a friend of mine. Maybe one day he (the security guard) will see me very differently than he thought of me.

What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? Sent to reach lost souls. Help for the most needy and forgotten in the world, especially those in the mountains. Climbing For Christ means everything to me, and (provides) relief for others.



Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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