Mission: Haiti 2012

Special Report: Haiti

On the border of nightmares and God’s dream

Gary Fallesen 0 169

Haiti and Haitians facing a nightmarish life in crisis can find peace, hope, and a future in Christ. C4C's New Generation shows young people (and old alike) that God has a plan for them.

Gilbert Lindor

Gary Fallesen 0 968

Nationality: Haitian. Dominican resident. Occupation: Medical school student and Kingdom worker of Climbing For Christ in Haiti; leader of C4C’s New Generation (C4CNG).

How long have you climbed? Grew up in the Chaine de la Selle range. Type of climbing you do: Hiking.

Mission: Haiti 2024

Lighting the way for children to learn

Gary Fallesen 0 1023

Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in Haiti, especially for the schools in Majon, Morne des Commissaires, and Kalimet, as well as ministry carried out by C4C’s New Generation.

