Mission: Haiti 2014

Gary Fallesen

Mission: Haiti 2014

PRAY: Against spiritual opposition and human nature in Haiti. “I am fighting with two wrong habits between the Haitian churches: the voodoo and the interest in the money,” missionary Miguel Rubén Guante said. Lift the work Climbing For Christ does in the Chaine de la Selle range. The rural poor in the hemisphere’s poorest nation are most responsive to the love of Christ, which is shared through the training of pastors and church leaders, and the education of children.

GIVE: Though the country is poor, everything in Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic is expensive. We averaged more than US$3,500 per month in support in 2013. This includes a salary for missionary Miguel Rubén Guante, pay for teachers, the cost of a monthly seminary, transportation and communication expenses, and assistance with farming, medical needs, and various natural disasters. Send donations to Climbing For Christ, c/o Mission: Kilimanjaro, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.

GO: A one-year plan is in place, capped by the sending of a short-term team in December. This Evangelic Expedition will be multi-faceted with, ideally, two medical units divided to spend two or more days in each of our villages. One unit will be based in the “EMT” (Eric Memorial Tent) and the other will be more mobile. This short-term mission also will provide seminary training.

Cost is estimated at US$1,950, including airfare. Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application.

CLICK HERE for the goals set for Mission: Haiti in 2014.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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