Mission: Haiti 2014 GOALS

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2014

Mission: Haiti 2014 GOALS

Goals set for 2014 for Mission: Haiti

A fact-finding visit conducted in November 2013 by Climbing For Christ’s Gary Fallesen and Jordan Rowley, followed by a prayerful review of this 8-year-old mission, resulted in plans to:

Build a “temporary” church structure in Soliette, similar to the church constructed in Mare Pitre. Pastor Italian from the Soliette church (photo above) has been dedicated to attending the monthly seminary since its start.

Continue to disciple the young church at Mare Pitre. The church, which serves four villages, was started by Spirit-led evangelism into the area in late 2012.

Sell Gentilhomme’s coffee beans. The plants started in C4C’s nurseries several years ago are producing fruit. Assisting them in the sale of their beans fits into our long-standing goal to help make the people more self-sufficient.

Provide fertilizer for farming.

Complete the refurbishing of the church at Gentilhomme, which was C4C’s first church build in 2006. There is a need to put in a new door and windows (photo above).

A house project in Malasi for a woman with two daughters, who each have babies. This project is funded by a donation from the Vacation Bible School program at First United Methodist Church in Canon City, CO, USA.

Send missionary Miguel to visit each of the villages on a regular basis as well as continuing to do evangelism in new areas. Miguel teaches the monthly seminary, usually in the church at Thoman, after spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley prepares a lesson with him.

It is our prayer that fruit will be produced by this work – and other initiatives – so a hurting people will grow closer to the LORD, the kingdom of God will grow, and the One Who sent us to Haiti will continue to be glorified.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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