Mission Moments: Nepal

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Nepal

On these rocks we will build His church

The monsoon season followed by the harvest of crops delayed work on the church building in Simikot in Nepal’s Far West district of Humla. But materials have been purchased and all the timber and rocks are ready to be made into a house of worship in a place where once no church existed.

It is the prayerful hope of Climbing For Christ workers that the church will be completed in August and dedicated to the Lord by our Mission: Nepal team in September.

Working the land to grow a church in Humla.

“They are hurrying up to build the church in Simikot,” Nepali brother Megh Gurung reported. “All the rocks and logs and everything are there.

“(Pastor Harka) said the foundation is going in very soon because of heavy rain making (work) disturbed in Humla, too. All the workers are ready to do work there.”

Church members are working, above. Below, wood is ready to go up.

This is the fourth church in Nepal and ninth overall that God has used C4C to build. (See “Building His church.”)

The Word

यसैले म भन्दछु, तिमी पत्रुस हौ। अनि म मेरो मण्डली यो चट्टानमाथि बनाउनेछु। मेरो मण्डलीलाई हराउन मृत्युको शक्तिहरू सामर्थ हुनेछैनन्। मत्ती (Matthew) 16:18

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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