Mission Moments: Nepal
Good news in Nepal flood relief
Distribution of flood relief. (Photos courtesy SARA Ministries)
Climbing For Christ was honored to send US $2,251.85 provided by God through seven donors who were moved by our Aug. 15 appeal for help with Nepal flood relief. Pastor Tej Rokka and his team from SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) ministries last week delivered food (rice, dahl, salt), mosquito nets, plastic tarps, and medicine for 211 families in the Rautahat District along the border of India. Rautahat is a unique district because it has the largest percent of Muslims (nearly 20%) in any of the 75 districts in Hindu- and Buddhist-dominated Nepal.
The Rautahat District (red) in the Central Region of Nepal.
“At least 700 people were benefitted,” Tej said. “The good news is we started it with Gospel songs, prayer, and at the end seven people accepted the Lord. Praise God. Thank you for your prayers and (financial) support.”