Mission Moments: Nepal

Mission Moments: Nepal
Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Nepal

CHRISTmas gift for Ghapa

The church at Ghapa on Dec. 8. (Photo by Megh Gurung)

Land was purchased and funds were delivered during Mission: Nepal 2021 for the construction of the church at Ghapa in the Mid-West district of Rolpa. This is our third church build in Rolpa and ninth in Nepal.

Ghapa is the second church plant from the church at Korchabang, which Climbing For Christ helped build in 2012. Dharmashala (built in 2018) was the first church plant.

Ghapa-gangers: Looking like a church in the remote village of Ghapa. These believers, above, were standing on the land on Oct. 20 where a house of worship would be built. Below, a time of worship during Mission: Nepal 2021 in the house that the Ghapa church outgrew. (Photos by Gary Fallesen)

Shyam Kumari, the woman in whose house the Ghapa church was originally planted (photo above), and the 70 other members of this church began construction on our latest house of worship on Nov. 11. They worked from morning until evening. “Everyone has been excited, and the work is going on very well,” Kingdom worker Megh Gurung said.

The church’s hope was to have this house of worship completed for CHRISTmas to celebrate the Lord’s birthday inside their new church.

Shyam Kumari, second from left, is one of the leaders of the church at Ghapa. She and other believers there went to work building a house of worship on Nov. 11. (Photos by Ghapa church)

Raising a church: the building going up on Nov. 23 (above) and Nov. 26 (below).

The Word

“…and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” – Matthew 16:18 (NLT)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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