Mission Moments: Uganda

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Uganda, Mission Moments

Mission Moments: Uganda

 Pray on! Rwenzori Mountains crusade

We appealed to members and supporters in April for help for our workers and the response was praise-worthy. Needs were provided for, including a pledge of US$600 for Pastor Rich Friday to cover the cost of doing the next crusade in Uganda. That next crusade began on Wednesday, June 11 in the Rwenzori Mountains.

We give thanks to those who answer our asks. We ask now that you read Pastor Rich’s request (sent on Tuesday, June 10), feel the way the Spirit is filling him with joy and excitement to serve and share Christ’s love, and pray for the messages he will deliver the next few days in western Uganda.


Pastor Rich preaching in the Rwenzori Mountains in November 2013.
“Please pray for my crusade and conference. Please pray that the Holy Spirit of God move (more) greatly than ever before. That great miracles, signs and wonders take place. That many souls come to Christ. That the glory of God comes down and fill the earth like the waters of the sea. That the rivers of fire, rivers of God’s anointing overflow within my spirit and soul. That I disappear, but God Himself appears before His people through me. That I may be mute, but God Himself speaks to His people through me. That people see God Himself standing before them through me. That God make me a real flame of fire. That the Holy Spirit fills me greatly and sits upon me. That the guardian angels of God surround me constantly. That the weapons of God fill me. That the Word of God fills me. That the blessing and favor of God overflow within my life!

“My mission is not all about popularity or fame, but my mission is to preach a complete Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and win billions of souls to our Lord Jesus, to build God’s Kingdom strongly. As you are praying please think about the lost souls that are perishing to hell on a daily basis. Remember whoever shall find his/her name not written in the Book of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire and suffer forever.”

How can YOU help?
  • Pray for Pastor Rich to be used as a mighty instrument of God.
  • Give financially to the evangelism being done to reach the lost in Uganda. To support the work in the Uganda, send a donation to Climbing For Christ, c/o Helping Hands: Uganda, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.
  • Go on a future mission to Uganda. Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org for a mission application.

The Word

“But on Mount Zion will be deliverance…” – Obadiah 1:17 (NIV)

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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