Mission: Nepal 2013
We ask our members to PRAY for, GIVE to and GO on Mission: Nepal in 2013. This work is too important to not help. More than 97 percent of Nepal remains enslaved to false gods – from the more than 300 million deities of Hinduism to the dark deceit of Buddhism. More than 27 million people in this former Hindu kingdom are still considered unreached. Prayer warriors, financial supporters, and workers are needed to reach those who have not yet heard about Jesus, and to encourage those who are part of our body of Christ.
When: Sept. 19-Oct. 6, 2013.
Purpose: To continue serving with indigenous workers in Kathmandu and visit remote villages. There will be two teams on this mission: one will return to Humla in the Far West to trek and the other will minister at an orphanage that is supported by Project 1:27.
Estimated cost: $2,800 for orphanage workers and $3,600 for trekkers. This price includes airfare, visa, ground transport, accommodations and food. It does not include immunizations or any personal gear/clothing you might need for the trip.
To apply: E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application. Deadline for applications: July 1, 2013.