Working soul to soul in His vineyard

Gary Fallesen

Working soul to soul in His vineyard

Mission Moments: September 2012

Jaime Servat leaving Carhuapara on the way to Chilcabamba village.

From Sept. 10-24, 2012, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned to the remote villages of Chalhua, Chilcabamba and their surrounding areas to minister. Here is Jaime’s edited report from his recent visits to these areas. We give God praise for this dear brother and the work that the LORD is accomplishing through him in the mountains of Peru.

Children before worship in Huamantanga.

Ministry in the village of Chalhua and the surrounding area.

I was received with such wonderful affection when I arrived at Alison’s family’s home in the village of Chalhua. [Alison is a precious young girl that we met during our first Evangelic Expedition to Peru.] We thanked God that we could meet again. After we prayed, I gave Alison some gifts that I brought for her.

I visited with Pastor Isabel to put together a worship service. On Wednesday the 12th, we had a worship service in Huaripampa Village, which is near Chalhua. All in all, 22 Christians (including 10 kids) joined together to enjoy a time of puppets as well as a time studying the Gospel of John.

Another day, I called a new believer named Rosemary, who is from Hierbabuena Village. I called her to find out how her mother, Elena, is doing [in Jaime’s last report, he wrote about meeting and praying with Elena for a heart issue]. Rosemary told me that at any moment her mother Elena would be operated on. She asked if I would keep her mother in prayer, which I said I would do always.

On a separate occasion, I met a man named Juan on one of the roads in Chalhua. He greeted me and asked if I could tell him about Jesus. After I shared with him, he prayed to receive the Lord and asked for prayer for the healing of one of his eyes which cannot see. So I prayed for over Juan for healing, and then invited him to worship on Sunday.

The church at Chalhua, which meets inside the home of Pastor Isabel. There is land available and a request was made during Mission: Peru 2011 for Climbing For Christ to build a church here (see May 25, 2011 “Church in a Peruvian field”).

On Sunday we had a blessed worship with 34 Christians (many of which were new believers). I performed my puppet show for the children. They received God’s Word and answered many questions very well. Then we shared a message on the victory of Jesus on the cross. Pastor Isabel led a time of praise, and Brother Ivan led a time of prayer. So praise God!

Ministry in the village of Chilcabamba and the surrounding area.

Upon my arrival in Carhuapara, a rural area near Chilcabamba, I was invited to lunch with Sister Cecilia and her husband Ubino. I gave thanks to God for that. In the evening, we had a blessed time of worship with 18 Christians coming together. Our service was led by Pastor Genaro Flores, who received a study Bible during C4C’s Mission: Peru 2012. He invited me to open with a prayer and present about the ministry. I then shared about salvation. We closed with a time of prayer by Pastor Genaro.

Land available for a church in Carhuapara.

After our service, I met with Pastor Genaro and Brother Ambrosio. They showed me some land that could be purchased to build a church on. They following day I took pictures of the land and committed this opportunity to prayer.

Later, I visited Sister Carmina and her family. They received me with affection. We enjoyed a time of prayer and sharing of testimonies. Afterwards, I met with Juana and her sons, who I was informed, are doing much better. So praise God.

I invited them and many others to meet another day for a worship service at Sister Carmina’s house. We were blessed to have 30 new believers come together. First, we began with prayer, and then enjoyed a time of worship. Then I did a gospel puppet show for the children. They enjoyed it very much, and did very well when I would ask them questions. After that, I shared with them from the Gospel of John about forgiveness and salvation. Sister Carmina translated from Spanish into the Quechua language so the people could understand better. Then we ended our time together with prayer.

Finally, I encouraged Sister Carmina to coordinate with Pastor Genaro from Carhuapara to receive spiritual support twice every week. I believe that God will bless them in His Word. I will coordinate with Pastor Genaro to support sister Carmina in this way, because she cannot read. God put on her to memorize and preach the Word of God. Also, her husband Florian is growing step by step in His Word and prayer so amen!

Glory to God for allowing me to work in His vineyard; soul to soul. I thank Him for allowing me to better understand their spiritual and physical needs and to encourage them to be constantly in obedience to God so they may receive His great blessings. Amen and hallelujah!

In His grace mission,
Jaime Servat.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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