Mission: Philippines 2013

Gary Fallesen

Mission: Philippines 2013


  • Dalipey (completed March 7-12) - Team size: maximum 15. Cost: US$50. Cost does not include airfare. CLICK HERE for trip report.
  • Tacadang /Les-eng (completed June 6-13) - Team size: maximum 15. Cost: US$80. CLICK HERE for trip report.
  • Badeo (Sept. 19-24) - Team size: maximum 15. Cost: US$50.
  • Foundation Day, Kibungan (Nov. 26-29) - Team size: maximum 15. Cost: US$50.

Purpose: All mission climbs for 2013 will carry a common mission. The primary mission will be to prepare the Kankanaey communities that we serve for the re-distribution of the Kankanaey Bible. The mission teams will be teaching about the importance of the Word of God to a Christian's life. The secondary mission will be to bring much-needed medical supplies and conduct medical missions, and also to bring school supplies for the children of the community schools.

To apply: E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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