Mission: Malawi 2014
PRAY: For continued growth of the church in Malawi, a country said to be three-quarters Christian and spiritually fertile. The Gospel has “penetrated nearly every section of society, and some places have seen local revivals,” according to Operation World. However, Islam also is growing. The Qu’ran has been translated into Chichewa, the people group that Climbing For Christ has been working with in the south. Pray for awareness and training for Christians and a loving witness to Muslims and those practicing traditional religions.
GIVE: To the work being done by partner Searchlight Ministries, led by C4C member Pastor Duncan Nyozani, and for ministry that the Lord is directing us to in 2014. Climbing For Christ will continue to support Searchlight’s orphanage through Project 1:27 as well as the ministry’s work in Malawi and Mozambique (where C4C helped build a church in 2013). We also will employ Damson Samson, who C4C sent to Africa Bible College in Lilongwe, as a missionary to Central and East Africa. Send donations to Climbing For Christ c/o Mission: Malawi, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.
GO: March 1-9. The team will spend time with our Project 1:27 orphans, teaching them Bible school, making crafts and playing games, and showering the love of Jesus on them. Cost is estimated at US$2,100 (depending on cost of airfare to/from Lilongwe, Malawi). This estimate includes ground transport, accommodations and food in Malawi. We also ask team members to raise awareness and funds for Project 1:27. To apply: E-mail info@climbingforchrist.org to request a mission application.