Peru: Mission Moments (April 2013)

Gary Fallesen

Peru: Mission Moments (April 2013)

Starting the first steps of building His Church

By Jaime Servat
C4C missionary to Peru

Note: Funds recently were wired to Peru for the construction of the church at Chalhua, which is scheduled for completion by July 2013.

When I arrived in the village of Chalhua, I was received by Alison and her grandmother Teresa. We enjoyed a special time of prayer and shared lunch together as well. I also gave some gifts that I brought to Alison and Teresa. Afterward, we visited Teresa’s other grandchildren’s home, who had recently lost their mother. 

The earth that will be turned into mud bricks for the church at Chalhua.

I also met with Pastor Ezequiel. He and I went to Yanama to visit Brother Lorenzo Milla (who is a member of the Church of God of Peru/Iglesia de Dios del Peru). He offered us a truck to move materials to the building site for His church in Chalhua. We were grateful for that. After praying with him, we let him know that we will visit with him again when the mission team comes from the United States (and prayerfully elsewhere) in July.

I met a sister named Alejandrina who was diagnosed arthritis. So I prayed for healing. Praise God! I also visited a woman named Julia Garcia, who suffered varicella at 4 years of age. Her mental understanding level is similar to that of a 12 year old. I prayed for her healing. I also prayed for her mother, Eulalia Dextrel, who received the Lord Jesus Christ. I had a special time with them. Now they are new believers.

Missionary exploration in Cusco Province

Brother Edwin and I arrived in Cusco and were received by Brother Carlos. He offered us a room to stay, so we were praised God for His care.

We went to the Iglesia de Cristo Iberoamericana and participated in a worship service. We spoke about C4C and many people were interested in our worldwide mission ministry. Afterward, we were visiting a community named Tambomachay (which is near the Sacsayhuaman ruins). Brother Carlos, his Pastor Jorge Tinco and his wife, along with other brothers offer a Sunday School and provide supplies to many of the children in the area who are new believers. Currently, they are meeting in a field, and praying for God to provide a church.

Another day, Brother Edwin and I were in the Tambomachay community to survey the needs. There are approximately 100 farmers, many children and some orphans. One of the children, Anilda, suffers from a mental illness. They need spiritual and physical help. There is a need for Spanish New Testaments and Bibles. Almost the 90 percent of the people are interested in seeing His Church there, so praise God!

The next morning, we went to a little rural sector named Quebrada. Approximately 29 farmers and only one Christian brother and his family are there. We were informed that 2 hours away from Quebrada there is another community named Huamapoques in which approximately 500 farmers live. They are mostly Christian but have no church to worship in, so it could be a place to visit in the future.

It was our God Who led us in His field, which is ready for His harvest. Brother Edwin and I are praying that we may come back soon and to bless others. 

“You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God...”
– 2 Corinthians 3:2-5 (ESV)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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