Photo of the Week: Peru

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week: Peru

Church at Chalhua with Contrayerba Mountain in the background. (Photo by Jaime Servat)

Mission Moment: Peru

A new challenge for the completion of the church at Chalhua: a concrete truck was donated by the mayor of a nearby village to deliver two loads of concrete for flooring inside the church. This was a blessing, to be sure. But then the truck broke down. Rather than wait indefinitely for a truck repair (that may or may not happen), we need to rent a truck to make two trips – at a cost of US$379.06 per trip, according to C4C’s missionary to Peru Jaime Servat. Climbing For Christ, which has provided nearly $21,000 for the land and construction of this church, needs another $758.12 to possibly finish the work. We say “possibly” only because every time it seems complete, something else arises. So, with that, we quote Matthew 16:18 (one of our ministry’s mission verses): “…on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Working on the church in June. (Photo by Jaime Servat)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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