Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010
Lives Aglow Global Outreach Center was back in business — the business of doing God's work! — the weekend of Oct. 28-31. “To the glory of God, our program slated for 28th to 31st October has come and gone successfully,” Pastor Chris Joseph said.
Worship at Wonderland Chapel on Oct. 31, 2010.
“The grand finale, which happened to be our first Sunday service, attracted almost 50 people and the most significant thing that happened that day was the awesome presence of God that saturated the (worship area),” Pastor Chris reported. “Salvation, healings and miracles were also witnessed.
“Elijah Martin was also dedicated by me,” Chris said about his youngest son, who was born March 16, 2010. “All the other three children of mine were dedicated to God by my ministry colleagues, but when I wanted to do the same to Elijah Martin, God rebuked me. He told me (that) Elijah is a prophetic, international child and should be dedicated by someone who has taken the Gospel across the shores of Nigeria. I looked around at my friends and couldn't find any (who have traveled to evangelize). I still insisted on calling one of my friends, but his line refused going through. So I finally discovered it was God's intention for me to dedicate him, having taken the Gospel across Nigeria's border. It was indeed an epoch-making event. To God be the glory.”
The hotel where Lives Algow is renting space: musical instruments, fans, lectern, and plastic chairs were purchased for worship (top). The church meets where the sign is posted (bottom).
Lives Aglow Global Outreach Center (also known as Wonderland Chapel) is “focused on the unchurched and Muslims,” according to founding pastor Chris Joseph.
“God has started bringing some persons to us and I have started a Discipleship Series with them. I have drawn lessons on salvation, water baptism (by immersion), the Holy Ghost, Christian fellowship, the church's meaning and purpose, holy communion, and so on. This requires patience and grace, but it's the best way to run a formidable church. It's so challenging at the moment, but very soon it will be all over. Do not forget me in your prayers.”