Thursday, Feb 10.

Gary Fallesen

Thursday, Feb 10.

Miguel, Jordan and I met and, with Rosie’s translation help, we reviewed this trip and discussed future plans for the mission. A high priority is to finish building the church at Jimani with the support of Steve, Eileen and Lisa’s church in Canon City, Colo. Miguel will continue to address the spiritual needs with a visit to a different Monte Pou Kris church (in Gentilhomme, Malasi, Thoman and Jimani) every weekend, and through the monthly seminary.

There continues to be a need for financial support for this ministry as our monthly budget for the work here is about US$3,000, excluding special projects, church builds and emergencies. The fruits of the labor are showing, however, which is priceless.

The team, consisting of six (of the eight) members who have been on mission with us here before, recognized some of the progress. Team members, who volunteer their time, talents and money, cherished moments spent in the mountains with children, caring for the sick, and being in worship with brothers and sisters in Christ. As Steve summarized again: “Feeling at home. Feeling you are where you belong.”

“I have so much love for this group,” Rosie said during our meeting. “To climb so far to give to the people something the government would not do. To spend so much money and give all your heart to the people.”


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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