C4C Western New York Chapter

Chapter Contact:

Gary & Elaine Fallesen, coordinators
Rochester, NY

E- mails: GFallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org and efallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org


The first “official” meeting of the Western New York Chapter took place Jan. 30, 2004 at Hope Lutheran Church in Greece, N.Y. This was also where the first public meeting of Climbing For Christ had occurred on Feb. 1, 2002. Seven people attended the 2002 meeting, one of the baby steps in the early development of this organization.

Latest News

Brad Stine in concert

Gary Fallesen 0 7529
Delivering laughter to the church UPDATE: Brad Stine performed at a Climbing For Christ fundraiser on Friday, Jan. 4 in Rochester, N.Y. An offering was taken at the end of the event to benefit church building in Nepal. About $2,400 was raised. Brad Stine was busy pursuing his craft. Or what he cal...


Gary Fallesen 0 3547
Record weekends at Hilton AppleFest, Photo Finish 5K Lines formed in front of our food booth during good weather on Saturday, Sept. 29 at the annual Hilton AppleFest. (Photo by Katie Kimble) HILTON, NY — Climbing For Christ hosted a food booth for the sixth straight year at the AppleFest i...

Heritage Hikes

Gary Fallesen 0 4060
Back to Bald Mountain For the fourth year, Climbing For Christ partnered with Heritage Christians Services so that some of our friends — not to mention brothers and sisters in Christ — can enjoy God's creation. Here's the report from C4C member and Heritage staff member Diane Sturmer o...