C4C Western New York Chapter

Chapter Contact:

Gary & Elaine Fallesen, coordinators
Rochester, NY

E- mails: GFallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org and efallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org


The first “official” meeting of the Western New York Chapter took place Jan. 30, 2004 at Hope Lutheran Church in Greece, N.Y. This was also where the first public meeting of Climbing For Christ had occurred on Feb. 1, 2002. Seven people attended the 2002 meeting, one of the baby steps in the early development of this organization.

Latest News

Western NY Heritage Hike (April)

Gary Fallesen 0 4124
Hiking with friends – feathered or not We had about 25 people enjoy time in the (chilly) outdoors on Saturday, April 11 for Climbing For Christ’s second Heritage Hike of 2015. The chickadees were still hungry and it was thrilling having them land on our hands for seed on the Bird Song...

Pray unceasingly for the persecuted

Gary Fallesen 0 8741
Our brother was going door to door in a Pakistani village, bringing the love of Christ to the people living there. Suddenly, two men appeared. They shook his hand. Then they showed him a pistol and told him, by name, “Your time is finished. Run wherever you can. But you must be killed.” ...

Support our team

Gary Fallesen 0 4157
Time is running out We need supporters for our team. Cheer us on and cheer us up by donating to Team C4C, running in the George Eastman Photo Finish 5K on Saturday, Sept. 27 in Rochester, NY. CLICK HERE to go to our fundraising page. “Do you not know that in a race all th...

A Walk for Missions

Gary Fallesen 0 4168
C4C's Turning Point Trek Whether you’re into climbing or not, come take a stroll in the park with us on Sunday, Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. to celebrate and support HIS ministry of Climbing For Christ. This easy and informal 3-mile “trek” will begin at the park and marina parking lot off Pe...

Record crowd walks in the woods together

Gary Fallesen 0 4041
Story by Diane Sturmer Photos by Gary Fallesen We had an incredible morning starting out with prayer and a group photo. But we needed to take more than one group photo because our group was so big. More than 45 people showed up for our April Birdsong Trail hike. It was a record turnout for our ...

Western New York hiking event

Gary Fallesen 0 4017
Heritage hike series kicks off on snowshoes By Diane Sturmer Snowshoeing party. Eighteen of us from Heritage Christian Services and Climbing For Christ ventured out on the trails on Saturday, Feb. 15. The snow was perfect and the weather was cold, but not too cold. We picked out snowshoes and p...

Hiking Heritage continues

Gary Fallesen 0 3975
The Western New York Chapter of C4C is partnering with Heritage Christian Services for the sixth straight year for a series of hikes with our friends who have some developmental disabilities. The events: Feb. 15 – Snowshoe adventure, 10 a.m.-noon at Mendon Ponds Park. April 19 &nda...

Western NY Chapter: 5 years of Heritage hikes

Gary Fallesen 0 4371
Group photo at trailhead of Rocky Mountain. A mountaintop of love By Diane Sturmer “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people!” – Philemon 1:7 (NIV) Our time on Rocky Mountain in New York's Adiro...

All four seasons at Mendon Ponds Park

Gary Fallesen 0 3074
Climbing For Christ board member Kevin Kimble said it well when he spoke of God "blessing us with all four seasons" as we hit the trails with Heritage Christian Services on Saturday, April 20th. At times it was sunny like summer, crisp like fall, and even snowy like winter. Of course, all ...

Snowshoeing for the birds

Gary Fallesen 0 3207
For the fifth straight year, Climbing For Christ's Western New York Chapter is partnering with Heritage Christian Services on a series of special hikes. The 2013 kick-off was on Super Bowl weekend - Saturday, Feb. 2 - at Mendon Ponds Park in suburban Rochester, NY. Story by Diane Sturmer (Heritage ...