Climbing For Christ



Mission: Nepal 2024


Gary Fallesen 0 1273

Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.

Mission: Nepal 2023

Praying for open doors in the East

Gary Fallesen 0 1277

Would you hike 40 miles to pray for someone you’ve never met? That’s what Climbing For Christ does – and will do again on our 20th expedition to Nepal.


Latest News

Project 1:27 Nepal

Sponsor a child

Gary Fallesen 0 15354

There are about three dozen children cared for outside of Kathmandu by Nepali ministry partner SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians). We support SARA Home and these children through Project 1:27, which is based on James 1:27 (“...look after orphans and widows in their distress”).

Trip Report: Nepal 2022

Speed of sound

Gary Fallesen 0 726

Bad news travels fast. Mass shootings in America are heard about in remote villages on the other side of the world. Plane crashes in remote reaches are learned about – and stressed about – soon after they happen. If only the Good News could travel as quickly.

Mission: Nepal 2022

The Bridge

Gary Fallesen 0 518

Suspension (or hanging) bridges are everywhere in Nepal. It’s the only way across deep ravines and raging rivers. For some, a suspension bridge can be intimidating, even a little scary. For others, it is simply the route that God wants us to take.

Brendon Chavez

Gary Fallesen 0 777

Nationality:  American. Occupation: Student. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2022.

How long have you climbed? About 13 years. Type of climbing you do: Hiking. Highlight of climbing career: Last summer, I went hiking with my youth group at Brown’s Creek near Buena Vista, CO. This is part of the Colorado Trail.

Joel Leone

Gary Fallesen 0 701

Nationality: American. Occupation: Student. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2022.

How long have you climbed? Since I could remember. Type of climbing you do: Hiking, climbing mountains. Highlight of climbing career: Climbing the highest peak in Colorado.

Rachel Comstock

Gary Fallesen 0 948

Nationality: American. Occupation: Student. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2022.

How long have you climbed? I haven’t actually really climbed before. Type of climbing you do: I’ve gone on quite a few small hikes. Highlight of climbing career: I hiked Greenhorn Mountain (highpoint of Pueblo County, Colorado).

Mission: Ararat 2022

‘We will spread our religion’

Gary Fallesen 0 49

MEMBERS ONLY PAGE. The Muslim background believer – a rarity in the modern-day country where the early Church began – spoke about the “Light that will enlighten us and save us all” in Turkey. “May the light of Jesus Christ be upon us always,” he declared recently.

Mission: Nepal 2022

‘A Man will appear’

Gary Fallesen 0 3286

A strenuous nine- or 10-day trek into a new, remote area is scheduled for May. Climbing For Christ has trekked throughout the north-central, Mid-West, and northwest corner of Nepal, covering hundreds of miles. God is sending us to the Kangchenjunga Conservation Area.

Mission Moments: Turkey

‘White covering all over’

Gary Fallesen 0 7

Thundersnow and a “snownado” were among the bizarre occurrences on Jan. 24-25 as snow blanketed Turkey in places where snow is rare thanks to a freak storm. Eastern Turkey was closed down by bad weather.
