Brandy Fisher
Brandy Fisher, left, with seven Nepali sisters in Christ during Mission: Nepal 2014. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)
Nationality: Canadian. Occupation: Coordinator of Climbing For Christ Canada and Greenhouse Horticulturist. Missions with Climbing For Christ: Haiti 2013; Morocco 2013; Nepal 2012 (twice), 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, and 2023; Nigeria 2011; Peru 2023; and Mission: Possible 2009, 2010 and 2011.
How long have you climbed? I have no experience technical climbing, but I love hiking and trekking! I have hiked and trekked since 1997. Type of climbing you do: Hiking and trekking – or whatever needs to be done to get to the people group we are trying to reach. Highlight of climbing career: Every trip has a new climbing highlight! But I think my highlight is the suspense of trekking to a new village each day and waiting in great anticipation for what God is going to do! This happened in April 2014 when we hiked to visit our friend Chhorringin, who became a Christian in 2013 when the team visited her village of Thorpa. After that trip, she suffered intense persecution from her village for accepting Christ. In 2014 Chhorringin recommitted her life to Jesus, and this time her friend Kunjok became a Christian as well. While hiking that day, I had great expectations for hearing how the last six months had gone for Chhorringin and Kunjok. When we arrived in the village we set up camp on the roof of a family’s house and waited for Chhorringin and Kunjok to arrive home from school. When they walked into the house where we were eating supper, Chhorringin had a huge smile on her face and greeted us in front of everyone, “Jaimashi!” (“Victory in Christ!”) As we continued to visit with her we realized that she was strong in and still growing in her Christian faith. Before we left Thorpa, Chhorringin’s father, brother, and sister all became followers of Christ, as did the family of three whose house we slept on! We left Thorpa with eight Christians in the village. Thank you, Lord! The anticipation of what God is going to do makes each day exciting!
How long have you been a Christian? Since I was 13 years old. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: I am blessed to be the coordinator of Climbing For Christ Canada. I also serve the youth group of my home church in Canada and I am open and excited to serve wherever opportunities present themselves in Canada or overseas!
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): 2 Chronicles 20:12b. “…nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” We are nothing without God, and all we can do is keep our eyes on Him!
Special “God moment” you'd like to share: On Mission: Nepal in April 2014, our team had arrived back at the Simikot guesthouse after trekking for a week in the remote Far West district of Humla, and we were waiting for our flight back to Kathmandu the next morning. The sun was beginning to go down and our team was outside reading. To be honest, I was tired and ready to fly out! Just as the sun dropped behind the mountains, two girls we had met while trekking through the villages hiked several hours to visit us and say their farewells. We invited them to sit with us, and over the next 20 minutes our little group grew to seven as other girls we had met while trekking also showed up to visit. The amazing thing is, this was totally unplanned and none of the groups of girls had previously known each other. At that time, Gary said, “Brandy, it looks like we have a Women’s Ministry opportunity!” As I began to pray and ask God to speak to me, encouragement stirred up inside of me. We shared a meal with the girls and then continued our time of fellowship in our room. Six of the girls were Christians and the seventh was presented the Gospel that evening as one of the other girls took the responsibility of leading her to the Lord. The girls were quickly becoming friends and began exchanging cell phone numbers and setting up times that they could meet and disciple each other in the Lord!
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? C4C is about reaching those who have never heard, and to continue to walk, encourage and strengthen our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is a type of interaction between species called symbiotic relationship. Two species work together and their relationship becomes essential for both to grow and to flourish. For example, this relationship is found between an Indian paintbrush and a hummingbird. The Indian paintbrush needs to be fertilized with pollen from the hummingbird, and the hummingbird needs the nutrients from the Indian paintbrush. This relationship is also found between Climbing For Christ teams and nationals of the countries where we serve. Both sides need to be encouraged and strengthened and challenged. Climbing For Christ establishes relationships by GOing, and both parties are strengthened and encouraged, and join in a symbiotic relationship with Christ.
CLICK HERE to read the bio for Brandy Everts (Brandy Fisher’s maiden name.)