Evangelic Expeditions

Mission: 2022-2023

Where HIS name is unknown

Gary Fallesen 0 14507

The apostle Paul’s ambition was always to preach the Good News where the name of Christ had never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else (Romans 15:20). Climbing For Christ shares a similar passion and vision. Mission: 2022-2023 continues our primary purpose to GO where others cannot or will not.



Mission: India 2024

Land of gods and goddesses

Gary Fallesen 0 15

Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in India, especially in northwest India and in other parts of the country where C4C members are serving.

Mission: Turkey 2024

No stopping Jesus

Gary Fallesen 0 22

Our 12th expedition to Turkey will take us to a new area in the southeast to reach nomadic Kurds in an area where no other ministries are working.

Mission: 2024

GO outside the camp

Gary Fallesen 0 1337

Climbing For Christ likes to GO outside the camp and follow Jesus to unreached people in difficult places. Our call is to “GO!” Make disciples. Baptize. Teach. Obey. And He will be with us always, even to the end of the age.

Mission: Haiti 2024

Lighting the way for children to learn

Gary Fallesen 0 512

Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in Haiti, especially for the schools in Majon, Morne des Commissaires, and Kalimet, as well as ministry carried out by C4C’s New Generation.

Mission: Peru 2024

Backpacks full of Jesus’s love

edmilla 0 549

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled for June 16 to July 2. This will be a 10-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.

Mission: Malawi 2024

Guiding disciple-making movements

Gary Fallesen 0 560

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition to Malawi will focus on teaching members of the Mulanje Massif Chapter about “Communicating the Bible,” walking in the Spirit, and delivering the Good News to those who have not heard. Training will take place on Mulanje mountain in June.

Mission: Mexico 2024

The Oaxacan Sierra: surveying a mission field

Louis Petelle 0 529

This survey trip to southern Mexico will explore remote villages in the mountains of Oaxacan to serve physical and spiritual needs. It is scheduled in October.

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024

Into Africa: A Love Story

Gary Fallesen 0 702

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024 is our 16th expedition to Tanzania dating back to 2007. The trip is scheduled for Jan. 19 to Feb. 2. We will be teaching our Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters, including taking 20 members up Kilimanjaro for on-the-mountain training in “Communicating the Bible” and outreach.

Mission: Nepal 2024


Gary Fallesen 0 758

Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.

Mission: Ararat 2023

Matters of life and death

Gary Fallesen 0 31

“I don’t think being a Christian here is easy,” but many are led to Jesus in the Muslim country of Turkey. May many more follow!
