Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Jordan Rowley

Gary Fallesen 0 18559
Jordan Rowley, enjoying the Cordillera Blanca during Mission: Peru 2017. Nationality: American (true citizenship in Heaven). Occupation: Since January 2011, I have been incredibly blessed to serve as the spiritual coordinator with Climbing For Christ! Missions with C4C: Haiti 2009, 2011, 2012 ...

Jamie Jesus Servat

Gary Fallesen 0 8693
Jaime joking with a young boy with developmental disabilities who he has ministered to (along with the boy's family) for years. Nationality: Peruvian. Occupation: Climbing For Christ missionary to Peru and South America. Missions with C4C: Peru since 2011. How long have you climbed? I have...

Justin Rowley

Gary Fallesen 0 5607
Justin Rowley on Mount Rainier. Age: 31. Residence: Rochester, NY, USA. Nationality: American. Family: Happily married to my wife Jaime for 2½ years. Occupation: Hydroelectric operator. Church: Living Water Christian Fellowship in Irondequoit, NY. Missions with C4C: Peru 2011, 2012 a...

Mission Moments: Peru (November)

Gary Fallesen 0 4438
Throughout the month of November Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, traveled to Ecuador and to the mountain villages of Chalhua and Chilcabamba, Peru sharing the love of Jesus all along the way. We praise the Lord for this faithful brother and all of the wonderful work our...

Shining HIS light in the Hills

Gary Fallesen 0 4742
Mission Moments: October 2012 Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, spent most of the month of October delivering medicine, school supplies, Bibles, and of course, the Good News to the Peruvian mountain villages of Ranraucro, Hierbabuena and Chalhua. Here is his edited and...

Working soul to soul in His vineyard

Gary Fallesen 0 4982
Mission Moments: September 2012 Jaime Servat leaving Carhuapara on the way to Chilcabamba village. From Sept. 10-24, 2012, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned to the remote villages of Chalhua, Chilcabamba and their surrounding areas to minister. Here is Jaime&...

Returning to the scene of the mission

Gary Fallesen 0 4849
Mission Moments: August 2012 Throughout much of the month of August, Climbing For Christ missionary to Peru Jamie Servat ministered in the remote mountains of the Cordillera Negra and Cordillera Blanca ranges of the Peruvian Andes. He spent a great deal of time returning to several of the villages ...

DISPATCH: Sunday, July 29

Gary Fallesen 0 4213
Forty-eight hours after leaving Huaraz, Peru, my brother Justin and I finally arrived in Rochester, NY, USA. After our flight from Newark, NJ was cancelled, we decided to make the six-hour drive to Rochester. In spite of all of the bumps and detours throughout this mission, we joyfully reflect on al...

DISPATCH: Friday, July 27

Gary Fallesen 0 4042
EDITOR'S NOTE: U.S. team members Jordan and Justin Rowley are traveling back to the United States, marking the end of this short-term mission. Missionary Jaime Servat and our Peruvian members will carry on the work in-country.

DISPATCH: Thursday, July 26

Gary Fallesen 0 4059
Late last night we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship at Allison’s house with her mother Taina and grandparents, Teresa and Eleazar. We gave the family a number of gifts, sent with love from the United States. They could not stop thanking Jaime, Justin, me, the Fallesens and the ministry of Cl...
