Justin Rowley
Justin Rowley on Mount Rainier.
Age: 31. Residence: Rochester, NY, USA. Nationality: American. Family: Happily married to my wife Jaime for 2½ years. Occupation: Hydroelectric operator. Church: Living Water Christian Fellowship in Irondequoit, NY. Missions with C4C: Peru 2011, 2012 and 2013.
How long have you climbed? Nine years on and off. Type of climbing you do: Light mountaineering.
How long have you been a Christian? Ten years. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Trying to live in a manner that draws others to Christ. I am seeking the Lord for other ways I might serve in the church.
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Psalm 23 is my all-time favorite. John 3:16 is a favorite, too, because that’s what it’s all about.
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? It is an honor to be a part of Matthew 24:14 (“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”).