DISPATCHES: Philippines (September 2013)
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013 (0647)
A beautiful morning and a sea of endless clouds greeted us on our way back to Baguio. Currently on board our tented vehicles from Poblacion. Madaydayaw si Apo Dios. We are on our way home. :) — Kz
Twas 430 when we left Poblacion, away from the mountain, away from the action. Now as we travel onward toward Baguio City, we think of what matters to the people of Badeo. — Gutch
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 (1955)
And so this epic tale comes to an end
With an intense night trek and a bottle of Cola.
So come to the post climb, my friend
To share stories, food, and laughs from Doc Joja.
We opted to stay the night for travel at dawn makes more sense. So here I shall relax, eat pasta and play tower defense. — Gutch
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 (1914)
Final members of team arrive 714. Mission accomplished. Get all the exciting details at the post climb. Madaydayaw si Apo Diyos! — Ace
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 (1833)
At 5:15 p.m. the first team, composed of Joja (Jhoe), Kz, Karl, and Ning arrived at the jump off in Saddle. The second team composed of Ace, Gutch, Enzo, and Ahn are two hours behind and currently doing a night trek. Pray for safety and protection for all. We are almost finished! — Kz
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 (1337)
The weather seems to be unsure if it wants to rain or shine, pouring water, then sun on this handsome head of mine! Now we've stopped for a delicious lunch in Lescong, where we have grown an appetite to match King Kong. — Gutch
We have arrived at Leskong (first team). We are still waiting for the second team to arrive. We have a fair weather. Thank you for the prayers. We are 3 hours away from the pick up point. Soli Deo Gloria — Jhoe
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 (0643)
The team prepares to trek toward Poblacion after a successful mission. Weather looks okay but please continue to pray for us. God is good! — Ace
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 (2132)
Praise God for a successful mission day. We had a blessed Sunday message in the morning amidst perfect weather. The medical team headed by Doc Joja was able to serve 29 patients. Karl and Ning ministered to the kids, Kz to the women's ministry, Gutch to the men's ministry and myself to the church leaders of Badeo. We distributed the first batch of Kankanaey Bibles for the village. As this dispatch is being written, Doc Joja leads a team to do a house visit of a local who seeks medical attention. It's been an awesome day. Madaydayaw si Apo Diyos! — Ace
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 (0908)
We praise God that the sun is up and the team feels how warm it is in Badeo for the first time. Please pray for us as we prepare to minister to the people of Badeo. — Ace
We are dancing under the sun. Soli Deo Gloria. — Jhoe
Saturday, Sept 21, 2013 (1845)
The last members of the team arrived at 6:40 p.m. having survived howling winds, torrential rains and low visibility due to thick fog. We praise God for His grace! — Ace
Arrived in Badeo safe and sound! Let the praises to His Name abound! — Gutch
Cold, wet and damp. Oh, but our spirits are on fire! Three more hours and we will arrive in Badeo. Possibly do night trek. Pray no one gets injuries. All good so far, praise God! — kz
Saturday, Sept. 21,2013 (1606)
The team reached Tableo. Energized with positivity, we will push through in the midst of a friendly storm. We will soar with you, Oh Lord above the storm!
Soli Deo Gloria — Jhoe
The mighty tempest hath returned with vengeful fury, but now we are in Tableo where monobloc chairs are a luxury. — Gutch
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013 (1111)
The weather condition is not that bad. Gust of winds and rainfall makes walking more enjoyable. We are all in high spirits. Paving our way to God's good provisions.
Approaching Leskong while singing praises to the Lord! — Jhoe
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013 (0827)
The storm looms above but fails to hinder our plan, as we now ride to the jump off by way of off road van. — Gutch
The team will be heading toward Badeo at 8 a.m. Please continue to pray for good weather. — Ace
It was heavy rain all evening and cloudy skies this morning. The team is waiting for a weather update and if by 8 a.m. there is no rain, the team will start climbing toward Badeo. — Ace
Friday. Sept. 20, 2013 (2319)
After two healthy, happy meals, our spirits are also full and filled with anticipation of the trek tomorrow should the weather turn good. We had a meaningful devotion, talking about God's providence and His careful plans for each of our lives, culminating to our being part of Climbing For Christ. busog na busog. :-) — KZ
We decided to wait for the storm to be gone and see then if we shall proceed to Badeo at dawn. But whether we continue or not with the mission, we shall surely exit through Poblacion. — Gutch
After a blessed time of devotion and planning, the team has made options in the event that the storm intensifies. The plan includes eliminating the exit to La Union and returning to Baguio to get back to Manila. Praise God for an awesome team! — Ace
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 (1923)
Typhoon Odette intensifies as strong winds and rain are bearing down on Poblacion. According to news feeds, local roads are closed due to landslides. The team will have a meeting regarding alternative options to the mission. Please include the team in your prayers to have wisdom in making decisions. — Ace
Lo, a tempest builds on the clouds on high! But our faith is to continue and see the storm pass by!!! — Gutch
Temperature has dropped significantly and the weather continues to be foggy with occasional rain. — Ace
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 (1318)
The team has learned that the typhoon has made land fall, and the team prays for the storm to pass quickly and grant us favorable weather for the mission tomorrow. — Ace
Me and Kz and Ahn are the cooking team! Alrighty! Fried fish and adobong sitaw for lunch! Sarap! (Delicious) — Karl
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 (1012)
The team has arrived safely in Poblacion, Kibungan at 10 a.m. We will be using the rest of the day to rest and prepare for tomorrow's climb.
Three sounds filled the bus we rode going to Poblacion: the roaring of the engine, the country music that repeatedly played on the radio, and the baby's cry behind me. All indicate we are approaching Kibungan country. At 10 today, exactly four hours later and surprisingly early, we finally arrived in cool climate. :) — Kz
The quest begins as we gather in Poblacion's Inn preparing to share about He who died for our sins. — Gutch
It's been a while! Finally, I'm home, Kibungan my sweet Kibungan! I can hear the roaring sound of the distant waterfalls from the balcony. I can smell and feel the cold breeze as it touches my nose and hair. The view is superbly indescribable and awesome. Yes! We are here! Home sweet Home *God is Awesome*. — Jhoe
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 (0435)
The team arrived in Baguio at 4:30 a.m. and is currently waiting for the bus ride to Poblacion, Kibungan. — Ace
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 (0615)
Bus left Baguio around 6 a.m. We are now on our way to Poblacion, Kibungan. It's a rainy and windy Friday morning. Praying for a safe trip and good weather. — Jhoe
Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013
The “Blessing Badeo” team leaves Manila for Kibungan at 9 p.m. local time. This mission team consists of Ace Concordia, Gutch Gutierrez, Kz Abesamis, Jhoe Cordero, Karl Callo, Ning Buna, Derick Ahn Barcelona and Lorenzo Angeles.
CLICK HERE to read Ace's pre-trip story, “Relentless.”