Mission Moments: Nigeria (Wednesday, June 6, 2012)
Pastor Chris Joseph of the Wonderland Chapel in Port Harcourt, Nigeria encouraged each of his church’s members to reach out to someone who is lost. He dubbed it “Operation One Win One.”
“We've some souls won, but without a copy of the Holy Bible,” Chris said recently. “A copy of the Holy Bible given to these saved souls will strengthen their faith in God. The challenge here is how to procure at least 100 copies of the Holy Bible so it can be given as a precious gift to those who turn to Christ.”
Chris said he also is burdened to distribute Bibles to the Koma Hills dwellers, with whom we began developing relationships last December on Mission: Nigeria 2011.
A Nigerian Bible costs about US$6. As part of Project Living Word, we desire to raise $600 to purchase these Bibles.
If you would like to see new believers reading the Word of God in Nigeria send a gift to Climbing For Christ, c/o Project Living Word, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA