‘Go and obey a vision of God’

Gary Fallesen

‘Go and obey a vision of God’

¡Three Amigos! (left to right): Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley, Peruvian missionary Jaime Servat, and C4C president Gary Fallesen in the Cordillera Huayhuash during Mission: Peru 2014.

Jaime Servat dreamed about a big mountain, similar to Peru’s highest peak, Huascaran. The mountain was surrounded by foothills covered in beautiful fields of wheat. As he ran toward the fields he woke up. His heart was beating hard and he felt compelled to draw a picture of the vision he’d just seen.

The following day he asked his mother what she thought the dream meant. She did not know.

Six years later, in 1998, as Jaime prayed in a church in Lima, he fell on the floor and had a vision. “This I saw like a movie,” he recalls. “It was the same thing that I dreamed in 1992, but this time I heard a voice. I knew it was the voice of God.”

God told him: “Son, you will go to the mountains and bring My name up and down them, and I will go before you and many will come to Me, others will not, and some will be healed. So go and I will be with you always!”

The pastor of the church and another man were sitting with Jaime when he awoke from this vision. “What happened, brother?” the pastor asked. When Jaime told him about the dream, the pastor said, “Well, brother, you need to go and obey a vision of God.”

“But pastor,” Jaime said, “go alone without another brother?”

“Yes, my brother, you must go alone because this vision was to you only. But do not worry,” the pastor prophesied. “One day He will put His people to work with you in the mountains of Peru and abroad.”

Later that year, Jaime went to Huaraz to visit extended family. He had not been near the Cordillera Blanca mountains since his boyhood. But he remembered the peaks when he saw them again. They were oddly familiar.

Those Peruvian Andes would beckon again a few years later. After graduating from Dream Center Peru – a mission program that teaches how to bring the hope and love of Jesus to those living in the far corners of Jaime’s country – he returned to Huaraz to “fulfill His vision to me.”

“I was praying in my room,” Jaime remembers. “I had a pen, maps of Peru and South America, and my heart was burning so much to design a long route to make missions in the highlands in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.”

He set out to explore and survey and do as God willed. But he would not go alone. God would send His people to work with Jaime.


Jaime gives a Bible to a school girl in Chalhua, the Cordillera Blanca village where C4C has built a church.

On Nov. 1, 2006, Jaime joined Climbing For Christ. We prayed with and for him as he continued God’s mission.

In August 2010, though, a lack of funds threatened to halt his travels. Jaime contacted C4C. He needed money for a bus ticket to Quito, Ecuador. How much? The equivalent to US$204.82. God provided these funds through Climbing For Christ and Jaime was sent to Ecuador, where he was used to bring six souls to Jesus, restored the faith in three others, served the physical needs of three more that needed medical assistance, and introduced many to the ministry of C4C. Our first 10 members from Ecuador joined during those days. (Jaime is currently on mission in Ecuador and some of the same stories will be told about this journey.)

In 2011, Climbing For Christ’s first short-term mission team joined Jaime in Peru to explore and evangelize in the Cordillera Blanca mountains. There has been an Evangelic Expedition there every year since and another is scheduled in 2015.

God’s vision for Jaime is shared by missionary mountaineers around the world. The Lord has called those in Climbing For Christ to go to the mountains and bring His name up and down them. He goes before us; many will come to Him, others will not, and some will be healed. “So go,” God tells us, “and I will be with you always.”

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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