Mission Moments: PAKISTAN
Merry CHRISTmas, Pakistan
Save Pakistan held its annual CHRISTmas outreach to widows and orphans. “It is great blessing for us to share with you that the Lord blessed us to share Christmas happiness with those who are orphans and widows,” said Evangelist Haseeb, Save Pakistan’s founder and a C4C member.
“We organized a Christmas program where we helped 15 widows with the one-week food box. It was a great joy for us that the Lord made possible for us to help these widows, and these widows are very thankful to God for the provision.”
“We also arranged refreshment gift boxes for the 100 orphans,” Haseeb said. “They were so excited and happy to receive their Christmas gifts from us.
“It was great experience to celebrate Christmas with the orphans and widows. We are very thankful to our King Jesus Christ that He provides for the widows and orphans in Pakistan, and also thankful to you for your prayers because without prayers it will not happen.”
Brothers Haseeb, above, and Najeeb share CHRISTmas with orphaned children.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27 (ESV)