Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014

PRAY: For the church to grow and arise. Tanzania is reportedly half Christian, but only 8 percent of “believers” attend worship. The lack of Biblical knowledge, the need for discipleship, and lifestyle changes that provide a genuine witness of Christ to Muslims and animists are among the needs.

GIVE: To support an indigenous worker who will serve among the guides and porters employed on Africa’s highest mountain. Send donations to Climbing For Christ, c/o Mission: Kilimanjaro, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.

GO: July 29-Aug. 12. The team will travel to Moshi and Marangu, meeting local members of Climbing For Christ, participating in annual evangelism training, and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (19,340 feet/5,895 meters) via a seven-day route. There will be an optional three-day safari after the trek. Cost is estimated at US$4,400 (with about half of that for high summer airfare to Africa). This price does not include the optional safari. Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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