
Mission: Kilimanjaro 2025

Go tell it on the mountain

Gary Fallesen 0 44

Climbing For Christ’s 18th expedition to Tanzania, where C4C was birthed in 1998, is scheduled for December. We conducted our first mission to Kilimanjaro in 2007. Thirty Climbing For Christ members have participated in Mission: Kilimanjaro, many more than once. Twenty-three members have gone to the summit at least once.

Mission Moments: Tanzania

Go, tell it on the mountain Kilimanjaro (part 1)

Gary Fallesen 0 120

We were blessed with a $29,250 matching grant by the AHEAD Initiative for our 2025 disciple-making work in Tanzania (Kilimanjaro Chapter) and Malawi (Mulanje Massif Chapter). The January training of Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters is the first of 10 trainings scheduled between Tanzania and Malawi.

Trip Report: Kilimanjaro 2024

HIStoric start that was years in the making

Gary Fallesen 0 356

This was the first on-the-mountain training of our Kilimanjaro Chapter in Tanzania and the Mulanje Massif Chapter in neighboring Malawi. Our goal is to have every one of the 160 or so guides and porters in our chapters trek, be taught, and do outreach on their respective mountains before the end of the year. Unexpected results saw 57 people guided to Jesus.

Dispatches: Tanzania 2024

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024

Gary Fallesen 0 486

Sermons on the Mount Kilimanjaro, and so much more. Evangelism training continues among the guides and porters in the Kilimanjaro Chapter as we teach and do outreach on Africa's tallest mountain. Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024 is scheduled from Jan. 16 to Feb. 2. Check back for daily Dispatches.

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024

Into Africa: A Love Story

Gary Fallesen 0 1258

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024 is our 16th expedition to Tanzania dating back to 2007. The trip is scheduled for Jan. 19 to Feb. 2. We will be teaching our Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters, including taking 20 members up Kilimanjaro for on-the-mountain training in “Communicating the Bible” and outreach.

Dispatches: Tanzania 2023

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Gary Fallesen 0 800

The roots of Climbing For Christ are found in the East African country of Tanzania. Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023 is our 15th expedition here. Check for Dispatches from Feb. 24 to March 10. Mission: Malawi 2023 will follow March 11-20.

Mandi Taylor

Gary Fallesen 0 326

Nationality: American. Occupation: RN. Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2023. How long have you climbed? First multi-day backcountry hiking trip in Wind Rivers (Wyoming) when I was a young teen. Type of climbing you do: Light mountaineering. Have hiked Mount Rainier, Granite Peak in Montana, and Gannett Peak in Wyoming. A lot of boulder crossing and glacier traversing. Highlight of climbing career: Summit of Gannett Peak with my dad. 

Mission Moments: Kilimanjaro

Answering the call

Gary Fallesen 0 255

Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10). God has planned for guides and porters in Climbing For Christ’s Kilimanjaro Chapter to reach people with the Good News. People in their families, their communities, and in their path on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mission Moments: Kilimanjaro

The royal priesthood of guides and porters

Gary Fallesen 0 352

Kingdom worker Damson Samson shared with Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters about the overarching theme of Climbing For Christ: to reach the unreached, and to equip, encourage, and empower disciples to make more disciples of Jesus.

