Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014

Gary Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 42364

Nationality: American of Danish descent. Occupation: Missionary. Missions with C4C: Dominican Republic 2005; Haiti 2006, 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; Indonesia 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019; Kilimanjaro 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 201...

Damson Samson

Gary Fallesen 0 8925

Damson teaching one of the orphans supported by Climbing For Christ's Project 1:27. Nationality: Malawian. Occupation: C4C missionary to East Africa. Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2010, 2011, 2014 (twice), 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and Malawi 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018. (Note: Kilimanjaro 2010 a...

Hayley Hope Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 7777
Hayley Fallesen sharing love of Jesus with Kurdish children on Mission: Ararat 2013. Nationality: American. Occupation: College student, professional ice-cream scooper and babysitter/nanny. Missions with C4C: Turkey 2013, Peru 2014, Tanzania 2014, Malawi 2016, and Nepal 2017. How long have you c...

Jordan Rowley

Gary Fallesen 0 18501
Jordan Rowley, enjoying the Cordillera Blanca during Mission: Peru 2017. Nationality: American (true citizenship in Heaven). Occupation: Since January 2011, I have been incredibly blessed to serve as the spiritual coordinator with Climbing For Christ! Missions with C4C: Haiti 2009, 2011, 2012 ...

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 (Part 2) Trip Report

Gary Fallesen 0 7580

Planting, watering, and God-given growth By Jordan Rowley C4C spiritual coordinator Even prior to departing for Tanzania on Nov. 10, the Lord instilled in me a humbling sense that I would be tasting fruit from work that had taken place long before my involvement. Indeed the fruit wa...


Gary Fallesen 0 7673
Kilimanjaro holds a special place in the formation and growth of Climbing For Christ. As Gary Fallesen was training to climb Kilimanjaro in 1998, God spoke to him and told him to start a Christian climbing organization. From that meeting on a road, Climbing For Christ was eventually born. In the ori...

DISPATCHES: Tanzania 2014 (Part 2)

Gary Fallesen 0 5770

Sunday, Nov. 23 Damson Samson teaching during our evangelism conference. (Photo by Jordan Rowley) Damson, our missionary to East Africa, finished his four days of travel by bus from northeastern Tanzania to southern Malawi. “I am humbled to let you know that I have arrived well and ...

DISPATCHES: Tanzania 2014

Gary Fallesen 0 5805
Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 By Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ Monday, Aug. 11 The long journeys to respective homes have begun with Damson going by bus to southern Malawi and Hayley and me flying out of Kilimanjaro International Airport on the first of our three flights. D...

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014

Gary Fallesen 0 799
PRAY: For the church to grow and arise. Tanzania is reportedly half Christian, but only 8 percent of “believers” attend worship. The lack of Biblical knowledge, the need for discipleship, and lifestyle changes that provide a genuine witness of Christ to Muslims and animists are among the...
