There’s gold in them thar hills
Climbing For Christ’s 10th expedition to Malawi, where we first went in 2010, is scheduled for December. Our team will continue classroom instruction with guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter and then conduct a four-day outreach expedition on the mountain.
‘We are in hard days’
Jesus looked at the multitudes and asked the disciples if they had anything for the people to eat. “I believe Jesus has given us the responsibility to make sure these people have something to eat,” C4C Africa coordinator Damson Samson said. “I feel a debt to these dying widows. We are praying for more to be fed in this challenging time.” Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, is again facing a hunger crisis.
Facing a food crisis
Approximately 4.2 million people (20 percent of the population in Malawi) were expected to experience “high levels of acute food insecurity” between June and September 2024, including 56,000 people facing an “emergency” and 4.1 million in “crisis,” according to an IPC report. Most of these people are in southern Malawi. Worse news: The situation is expected to deteriorate during the projection period (October-March), which coincides with the “lean season.”
Mission: Malawi 2024
We GO to Malawi for our ninth expedition to this African country. Check back for daily Dispatches from June 22 to July 5.
Giving youth adult-size opportunities
A vocational skills center for youth opens in southern Malawi hoping to help young people and help elders who care for them. This could counter the high dropout rate from schools and help end the cultural practice of child marriages.
State of disaster declared: feeding the hungry
A state of disaster was declared in most of Malawi because of drought conditions caused by El Nino. The most urgent need is food because of the huge number of people at risk of hunger.
Guiding disciple-making movements
Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition to Malawi will focus on teaching members of the Mulanje Massif Chapter about “Communicating the Bible,” walking in the Spirit, and delivering the Good News to those who have not heard. Training will take place on Mulanje mountain in June.
God’s Word and healing prayers in Tanzania
Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters continue to learn to be disciples who make disciples, and healing prayers are delivered to their small groups who are studying the Bible together.
Houses divided
Nowhere to stay. Many widows in southern Malawi remain in temporary housing since Tropical Cyclone Freddy washed away houses and villages in March. Climbing For Christ continues a rebuilding project. Help is needed.
Mission: Malawi 2023
Mission: Malawi 2023 is scheduled Aug. 16-24. Check back for daily Dispatches.