Mission Moments: Haiti
Church in Mare Pitre ‘growing strong’
Missionary to Haiti Miguel Rubén Guante taught a special seminary in Mare Pitre on Saturday, Feb. 15. Seventeen people attended. The subject: “Who is God?” Each month, Miguel is teaching a “local” seminary to the young churches in Jimani, Dominican Republic, and Mare Pitre, on the first and third weekends, as well as our main monthly seminary for pastors and church leaders from many villages who meet in Thoman on the fourth weekend.
Seminary, above, and worship, below, at the church at Mare Pitre. (Photos by Miguel Rubén Guante)
On Sunday, Feb. 16, there were 56 people from the four villages surrounding Mare Pitre attending worship there. There are two couples preparing to be married. Because most people in Haiti do not have birth certificates, it takes some effort (and money) to get the proper paperwork required for a wedding. “We shall help in all needs to carry out our plan for the church,” Miguel said.
In addition to the upcoming weddings, there also will be baptisms in Mare Pitre in March.
Miguel was sent to Mare Pitre in late 2012, when the border crossing he normally would take was closed to him. He began to evangelize in Mare Pitre and many have come to Christ. Needing a place to worship, C4C built a temporary church, which Miguel added tarps to this month. He also made some benches.
“Praise the Lord and thanks to Him that when the migration official stopped me from crossing the border I was humble to avoid being pride(ful) and started to discuss with him (another way into Haiti),” Miguel recalled. “He was working under the direction of God. We are having a good result today. People who were living in sin for years; today they have an opportunity to be married and to be baptized to arrange their life with God.
“The church is growing strong.”