Western New York hiking event

Gary Fallesen

Western New York hiking event

Heritage hike series kicks off on snowshoes

By Diane Sturmer

Snowshoeing party.

Eighteen of us from Heritage Christian Services and Climbing For Christ ventured out on the trails on Saturday, Feb. 15. The snow was perfect and the weather was cold, but not too cold. We picked out snowshoes and prepared for the trails. Each one of us was given by a cloth bag full of bird seed. Janet V. from the Adirondacks had made one for each of us filled to the brim with chickadee food. The cloth used for each bag had an Adirondack theme, flowers or wolves. The day began with a circle of prayer outside the Nature Center. Jake (who lives at HCS)  led the way out on the trail and brought us to the area where the birds were waiting for us. There were some first timers on snowshoes as well as feeding the birds. It was a joy to see faces light up when the chickadees landed on  hands.

After our outdoor adventure, we went into the Mendon Ponds Nature Center to enjoy hot chocolate and snacks brought by all! Then, we gathered to share prayers for upcoming Climbing For Christ adventures, friends and family. Patrick, Jordan and Drey shared some worship songs with all of us. Jordan shared about being a light, whether close to home or in a faraway land. He also shared treasures from Nepal. This was a special time of fellowship and friendship that I don't think anyone wanted to end. There were more requests for  music and the fun continued!

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

Heritage series: The next hiking event is Saturday, April 19 at Mendon Ponds Park. This hike will celebrate Climbing For Christ's 10th anniversary.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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