Climbing For Christ


Climbing For Christ Chapters

Climbing For Christ has chapters throughout the United States and around the world. Click on one of the chapters at right to learn more.

Interested in organizing a Climbing For Christ chapter in your part of the world? E-mail

The Word

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” — Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV), the reason behind organizing chapters. The fellowship of believers adds up to encouragement and growth.

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Re-starting the chapter with a pair of Prayer Peaks

Gary Fallesen 0 2672
Dragontail Peak, left, looms over Colchuck Lake. Colchuck Glacier and Colchuck Peak are immediately to the right. (Photo by Keith Schultz) New coordinator Keith Schultz jump re-started the Cascade Chapter with climbs of Colchuck and Dragontail Peaks on June 26-29, 2008. Keith was accompan...

Mission Fest Alberta 2012

Gary Fallesen 0 3871
Climbing For Christ Canada was represented by coordinator Brandy Everts and member SheriLyn Fehr at Mission Fest Alberta 2012 on Feb. 24-26, 2012 in Edmonton, AB. Mission Fest is an annual three-day family missions conference with the purpose to inform, celebrate, and challenge believers to p...

Take a Kid Climbing Day

Gary Fallesen 0 2918
Take a Kid Climbing Day, Special Edition Pennsylvania was focused on the Super Bowl on the day “Take a Kid Climbing” was scheduled nationally (on Feb. 1, 2009). The state had plenty to cheer about as the Pittsburgh Steelers defeated Arizona, 27-23, to win Super Bowl XLIII. Taking ...

Silver Mountain Camp and Climb

Gary Fallesen 0 2807
Silver Mountain Camp and Climb By Michael Wall Chapter coordinator Some might say there is a spiritual parallel somewhere in there in sharing the Gospel. Here's how I see it: As Christians, we don't have enough urgency in sharing that Gospel message. For many, the end is nearer t...

Climbing For Christ's first chapter form

Gary Fallesen 0 2746
The first chapter of Climbing For Christ – the Adirondack Mountains Chapter – was formed in Long Lake, N.Y., on July 26, 2003. Eleven men, women, and children hiked nearby Blue Mountain in the afternoon, a two-mile climb ascending 1,550 vertical feet to an elevation of 3,759 feet and the...

JEJAK (Indonesia)

Gary Fallesen 0 4441
JEJAK — an Indonesian acronym for “footsteps,” as in “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps” (1 Peter 2:21). Sharing love of Christ in Sumatra Budi Yuwono, one of our leaders o...

New Hampshire Inaugural Meeting

Gary Fallesen 0 3095
The inaugural outing scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006 was postponed by poor weather. Chapter coordinator Kristin Odell reported on Friday that the forecast was “100-percent chance of precipitation with winds gusting up to 60 mph. Crazy!” And not exactly rock climb weather. Od...

C4C Australia

Gary Fallesen 0 3712
The start of a new chapter Climbing For Christ Australia joins JEJAK (Indonesia), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), C4C Philippines and C4C DR (Dominican Republic) as our fifth international body. Tony Johnston, 41 at the time of C4C Australia's formation, has been named coordinator of this new chapter...

Tony Johnston

Gary Fallesen 0 4473
The Johnston family at Martin's Lookout. Date of birth: Oct. 19, 1969. Residence: Quakers Hill, Australia. Personal: Married to Leanne and father of three boys (Tim, 5; Joel, 3, and Malachi, 16 months). Occupation: I am blessed to be a stay-at-home dad. Church: Lighthouse Community Church...