Climbing For Christ


Climbing For Christ Chapters

Climbing For Christ has chapters throughout the United States and around the world. Click on one of the chapters at right to learn more.

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The Word

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” — Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV), the reason behind organizing chapters. The fellowship of believers adds up to encouragement and growth.

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Join 'The Club'

Gary Fallesen 0 2889
Join 'The Club' Photo by Craig DeMartino The Climbing Club (known as “Gripped”) is off for the summer months. The club will get together again in the autumn (dates to be announced) at Inner Strength Rock Gym, 3713 South Mason in Fort Collins. Admission for the two-ho...

Pasta's On Us, Third Course

Gary Fallesen 0 2881
Pasta's On Us, Third Course: The third annual Adirondack Mountainfest outreach dinner was Friday, Jan. 11, 2008 at Lake Placid Baptist Church, 2253 Saranac Ave. Free food and drink. We offered a chance to start the carbo-loading for the Mountainfest weekend. Only 27 people took us up on the offer. ...

Monday Night Climbing

Gary Fallesen 0 3016
Monday Night Climbing Monday Night Football may end, but not climbing on Monday nights. It happens every Monday night at the Rocksport Gym until May. Event organizer Jay Harrison is usually at the gym by 6 p.m. (sometimes as early as 4:30 p.m.). Cost is $8 without rentals, $12 with ren...

Fire Tower Hikes

Gary Fallesen 0 3313
Fire tower hikes: By CHERYL ESPER Chapter coordinator (2003-2008) The Wakely Mountain fire tower (above) is one of the first steel towers erected by New York state. In 1915, 10 steel towers were purchased from the AerMotor Company of Chicago, a windmill manufacturer. Wakely was ...

Great Range Traverse

Gary Fallesen 0 2925
Great Range Traverse Matt Hager did a modified Great Range Traverse in a day on June 16. He did it solo. His report: “When I began planning for the hike, I decided I wanted to make it a little easier so I would be successful. My hike began at 5:00 a.m. at the Adirondack Loj. It t...

Outreach Dinner

Gary Fallesen 0 3019
Outreach Dinner The Pasta's On Us, Again. That was the theme of our second annual Adirondack International Mountainfest weekend outreach dinner, held from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12 at Lake Placid Baptist Church on Saranac Avenue in Lake Placid. The pasta dinner was free to all, courtesy of ...

A new chapter in Tanzania

Gary Fallesen 0 3502
A new chapter in Tanzania Pastor Winford Mosha of Lyasongoro Lutheran Church in Marangu reported that the team heading up the new Kilimanjaro Chapter of Climbing For Christ was able to hold its first meeting on Monday, April 14. The chapter's leadership agreed to the goals set by Climbing For...

Bible Study Begins

Gary Fallesen 0 3980
Bible study begins Chapter Bibles studies have begun in the U.S. (specifically Minnesota and Western New York), the Philippines, and in Tanzania. Pastor Winford Mosha met with eight other Marangu members of the Kilimanjaro Chapter on Saturday, Nov. 15 for their first Bible study. Dauso...

Climb 102

Gary Fallesen 0 3586
CLIMB 102 Climb 102 is a two-day training session that will equip the avid and aspiring mountaineer! This training program was held at SPRING OF LIFE CAMP in ANTIPOLO Aug. 6-7. The topics discussed: PACKING LIGHT BASIC FIRST AID ORIENTEERING (MAP AND COMPASS ...

Destination Dalipey

Gary Fallesen 0 3506
Climbing For Christ Philippines will be doing an exploratory climb to the village of Dalipey in the mountains of Kibungan to meet the people there for the first time. This climb was confirmed by the Lord when we ran into two teachers from this village in September 2010. In our conversation w...