Climbing For Christ


Climbing For Christ Chapters

Climbing For Christ has chapters throughout the United States and around the world. Click on one of the chapters at right to learn more.

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The Word

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” — Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV), the reason behind organizing chapters. The fellowship of believers adds up to encouragement and growth.

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New chapter in the Philippines

Gary Fallesen 0 2683
What Asiel dela Fuente called “a new breed of mission volunteers” on the island of Mindoro in June. (Photos by Asiel dela Fuente) Teaching school children on Mindoro. Asiel dela Fuente led a group of 10 on a mission trip to the island of Mindoro in June “to share school sup...

Photo of the Week: Philippines

Gary Fallesen 0 2725
The rebirth of C4C Philippines What Asiel dela Fuente called “a new breed of mission volunteers” on the island of Mindoro in June. (Photo by Asiel dela Fuente) CLICK HERE to read “New chapter in the Philippines.”

Asiel dela Fuente

Gary Fallesen 0 2427
Asiel dela Fuente Nationality: Filipino. Residence: Cogeo, Antipolo, Rizal Philippines. Personal: Age 28. Married to Carmen Stephanie Samera-dela Fuente with first child expected December 2018. Occupation: Pastor. Church: Evangelical Free Church of the Philippines (denomination). How long have y...

Western New York Chapter news

Gary Fallesen 0 2180
Fall fun and fundraising By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ It’s nearly the harvest season. Apples will be ripe in Hilton and the mission field is “white for the harvest” (John 4:35). Believe it or not, those two go hand in hand. Funds r...

Western New York fall update

Gary Fallesen 0 2913
Autumn is in the air By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Labor Day is over. Back to work, back to school. It’s football season! Pumpkin spice is on every menu and in seemingly every food. Leaves are red and underfoot as I trail run. All of this means it’s time fo...

Bunny Hop Fun Run, Walk & Egg Hunt

Gary Fallesen 0 3355
Hopping happy: The hunt for eggs was off and running. (Photos by Gary Fallesen) We give praise and thanks for $1,065 of support received through our inaugural Bunny Hop Fun Run and Walk at North Ponds Park in Webster, NY. Thirty-three people attended Saturday, April 15, includin...

Western New York 2017 Heritage hike #2

Gary Fallesen 0 2868
Heritage hike is for the birds Eating out of their hands: human bird feeders had plenty of action during our April 1 hike on the Bird Song trail at Mendon Ponds. (Photos by Gary Fallesen) No fooling, more than two dozen people attended the second Climbing For Christ/Herita...

Bunny Hop Fun Run & Walk

Gary Fallesen 0 3073
What is the Bunny Hop 5K Fun Run and Walk? The first annual Bunny Hop Fun Run and Walk is eggs-actly what you’re looking for to fill your Saturday before Easter morning with a basket of fun! It’s your chance to help others by simply walking or running the one mile paved ...

Mission Moments: Philippines

Gary Fallesen 0 4475
A bend in the road By Ace Concordia I remember a trail named “the Road of Patience.” We would have to walk this trail on our way home from missions in Kibungan whenever we exited into the province of La Union. The trail was given that name because after being on mission it was th...

Western New York 2017 Heritage hike #1

Gary Fallesen 0 2847

No snow, but lots of ’shoers on Heritage hike There was little snow for snowshoeing because of unseasonable temperatures in what was the warmest February on record in Rochester, NY, but that didn’t dissuade many who attended our Western New York Chapter’s first Heritage ...
