Western New York 2017 Heritage hike #1
No snow, but lots of ’shoers on Heritage hike
There was little snow for snowshoeing because of unseasonable temperatures in what was the warmest February on record in Rochester, NY, but that didn’t dissuade many who attended our Western New York Chapter’s first Heritage hike of the year on Saturday, Feb. 18.
Climbing For Christ member and Heritage Christian Services spiritual life coordinator Diane Sturmer reports:
“Thirty-two hikers and snowshoe adventurers gathered at the Mendon Ponds Nature Center to share one of the most beautiful days of the year! We could hardly believe that we could enjoy the outdoors with little gear. We headed out on Birdsong trail and had a great time of exercise, laughter and fun.
“When we returned to the Nature Center we enjoyed hot chocolate and a snack together. Jordan Rowley and Pat Sturmer (Diane’s husband) shared their gifts of music with us for a sweet time of worship. Jordan shared about the recent trips to Indonesia and the Philippines. God is so great and at work through Climbing for Christ. The message we heard was one of encouraging the people sharing God’s love in those two countries.”
Heritage resident Shelly, left, and staff member Kaytii enjoying a sun-splashed walk in the woods. (Photos by Gary Fallesen)
The next Heritage hike is scheduled Saturday, April 1 (10 a.m.-noon) at Mendon Ponds Park.
Bird waiting: Feathered friends did not feed from the hands of Heritage residents, staff and hiking partners they way they normally do on the Birdsong Trail. Better luck on April 1.
Going for a walk in the winter woods, snowshoes optional.