Mission: Peru 2015
By Jordan Rowley
Climbing For Christ
Tuesday, July 28
U.S. team members have returned home.
Monday, July 27
God had another appointment for us today. As we met with Taina, we discovered her left hand is severely burned. We brought her to the hospital, but they said they wouldn't be able to see her until Thursday. So we went to a clinic instead. Her burns were cleaned and redressed and she was prescribed antibiotics and pain medicine. I believe that the Lord brought us to her just at the right time to prevent her very severe burn from becoming infected. We were blessed to encourage her, Alison and the rest of the family. Please pray for this precious family.
The team continues to pray for all those we ministered to in the mountains of Peru. May they grow in their faith in Jesus and sense His presence in their lives each and every day. And I pray that all of us who have been a part of this mission (Jamie, Edwin, Kevin, Larry, Mike, Rachel, our cooks Teo and Peter, donkey drivers Dioni and Ezekiel, and I) have been changed as a result of our time together serving the Lord in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru!
Now we head “home.” Lord willing the team will all be at our respective homes by Tuesday afternoon. Please pray for our travels.
Sunday, July 26
We said goodbye to beautiful Huaraz this morning and made the eight-hour drive to Lima. As always, it was bittersweet to leave this place and the people we’ve grown so close to.
Tomorrow, we hope to meet with Taina and her family in Lima. Taina, is the mother of Alison, the sweet young girl who stole our hearts on C4C’s survey mission to Peru in 2011. God used us to reunite Alison and Taina. We’ve received word that Taina had some kind of accident and suffered some serious burns to her arms. She also suffers from seizures. We’ve ministered to and prayed for her since meeting her in in Lima in 2012. Please pray for Taina and that we’ll be able to see her.
Saturday, July 25
This morning before leaving Chalhua, we prayed for Olga, who believed she was suffering stomach pains from an ulcer. Please join us in lifting her up to the Great Physician.
We then made the 5½-hour drive to Huaraz. As our team looks back we’re incredibly thankful and humbled by the many good works God prepared for us during our 10 days of trekking. Believers were encouraged, sick were prayed for, a church was dedicated, and many lost souls – some who had never heard of our Lord Jesus – were born again! Amen.
Friday, July 24
Today we trekked for about five hours to reach Chinguil, where a van picked us up and brought us to Chalhua for the dedication of the church God has used C4C to construct. It was a great blessing to be with our brothers and sisters here. We spent the evening offering prayers and singing praises together for all God has done in this place.
At 95 years old, Amancio, the oldest believer in Chalhua, expressed his thanks to God for the “wonderful blessing.” For years he’d been longing to see a church in Chalhua, where believers could grow in the faith and in God’s Word. Amen.
Please pray for the body of Christ in Chalhua.
Thursday, July 23
Our team trekked for another 6½ hours today. Along the way to the beautiful Tupa Tupa Pass (14,430 feet) we met Julian and his grandson, Alen. Our brothers Jaime and Edwin shared with him and Julian put his faith in Jesus. Please pray for Julian and Alen.
After arriving at our camp in Huecrucocha, we began our outreach and came across one of this area’s few believers, Raúl. We learned that he has been born again for only four months yet the Lord has put the desire in his heart to pastor a small church near his home. We prayed for Raúl and gave him many Bibles to share with his neighbors. Please pray for Raúl.
Wednesday, July 22
This morning we said goodbye to our new brother and sisters in Christ. Please pray for Magmo, Nieves, Nora and Yamet.
Our 6½-hour trek took us from Huillca over Yanacan Pass (15,085 feet) to a small village called Jancapampa. As we entered the beautiful valley where about 20 families live we came across one of those families – a mother and daughter sitting by a cold mountain river.
Five minutes into the conversation, the daughter, Gloria, said she wanted to accept Jesus into her heart. After praying for her, her mother Frederica also said she wanted Jesus. We prayed for her as well. We were all tearful to see God move so powerfully – and so quickly!
Later in the evening, seven farmers joined us for prayer for various ailments. After hours of discussion, three bowed their knees to Jesus. We encouraged all of them and sang praises to the Lord.
“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.’” – John 6:29
Tuesday, July 21
Our 7½-hour trek began with a very steep, 2,000-foot climb to Caracara Pass (15,850 feet). The cold wind combined with the steep ascent made it very difficult. After Caracara, we made our way toward Huillca, climbing over another smaller pass.
Upon our arrival in Huillca, we noticed a small home near our camp. As we spent a few moments recovering from our trek, a man from the home named Magmo came to our camp and asked for medicine for a cough. We learned he lives with his wife and two daughters.
The Lord put it on my heart to invite this family to join us for dinner. It was a blessing to break bread with them.
Over the course of the evening, we learned that they believe in one God, but had never heard of Jesus Christ. After sharing the Gospel, all four accepted Christ. We gave them New Testaments and prayed with them.
Jaime will return to this area soon to encourage this family in their new faith and reach out to others.
Monday, July 20
Early this morning we backtracked for one hour to meet Mirta and her family. We were blessed to share with and pray for them before they pointed us to a village called Calicanto, where we could reach out to more people.
We came to a small school and met the teacher, Miriam, who herself is a missionary of sorts, making an eight-hour trek each month to teach these children. We prayed for wisdom and blessings for her.
During our morning excursion in Calicanto we met six souls who had never heard of Jesus. We shared the Good News and each of them made a decision for Christ! We rejoice with the angels in heaven.
Please pray for Epifania, Humberto, Dalila, Federica, Alner and Nau – the six new believers – along with Miriam, Mirta and her family.
Sunday, July 19
We had one very blessed SONday. We enjoyed the warmth of the sun, a beautiful view of the Santa Cruz (20,500 feet) and a healthy team. Mike was feeling better so we pressed on as originally planned.
We went over two passes – Osoruri at 14,900 feet and Viencunan at 14,600 feet – during our 7 ½ hour trek to the pre-Inca ruin of Alpamayo Village. After about four hours we stopped for lunch, worship and daily devotions. It was a very special time singing God’s praise and lifting His name together in His incredible creation.
Later, we met one woman, Mirta, who was busy tending to her sheep. As we spoke we discovered she was a believer. Tomorrow morning, we plan on returning to encourage Mirta and visit her family and neighbors before continuing on toward Jancarurish.
Saturday, July 18
We often acknowledge that we are a Proverbs 16:9 ministry. “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.”
Today was another one of those Proverbs 16:9 days. Mike woke up this morning feeling very ill, most likely due to a food allergy. Immediately plans changed. We were planning to trek 7-to-8 hours over two high passes. Our guide Edwin first recommended we reach a camp area five hours away. But soon plans changed again and after roughly three hours of slow trekking through snow, sleet and rain, we decided we needed to make camp at Lagoona Cullicocha (about 14,300 feet in elevation).
This, of course, will alter the days ahead. Depending on the health of the team on Sunday, we’ll either continue on our planned trek and reach Chalhua a day later (we built in an extra day into our original itinerary) or we’ll return to Hualcallon (where we stayed Thursday night) and travel to Chalhua the following day and spend the rest of our time reaching out to the many neighboring villages.
God knows.
Please pray for Mike and the rest of the team and that God will guide our steps.
“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” – Psalm 23:3
Friday, July 17
After packing up for our trek this morning, we met a man named Martin, who had asked for prayer for stomach pain. We lifted his needs to the Lord and ask that you do the same.
About three hours into our 5½-hour trek, we met a group of people living in a tarp home on the mountain. One man, Juan, had many questions about Christian love and compassion because of some bad things he witnessed from evangelicals in a nearby village. We told him that only Jesus is perfect and we must love even those who are unkind to us. That’s the love of Christ – while we were yet sinners He gave His life for us. While we were yet His enemies, He died that we might become His friends. I believe Juan and the others were challenged and encouraged by our time together. We shared New Testaments with them and prayed for them before we moved on. Please pray for Juan, Gloria, Antonia and Candi.
We finished our trek in freezing rain and small hail. After setting up camp and taking a quick rest, I joined in a conversation with Jaime, our guide Edwin, and our cooks and donkey drivers. [Mules are used to carry team and individuals’ gear, while trekkers carry daypacks.] The conversation turned to spiritual things and we learned that one cook, Peter, didn’t know the Lord. After some discussion and encouragement, Peter made a decision to trust Christ. As Mike and later Larry joined us, we prayed with and for Peter and gave him a New Testament. We rejoice with the angels in heaven for Peter’s salvation and look forward to sharing more with him about walking with Jesus in the days to come. Please join us in prayer for Peter.
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” – John 15:9
Thursday, July 16
After leaving our hotel this morning, I visited Pastor Julio, who is the new president of the Gideon’s Bible ministry in Huaraz. Although our time together was very short, it was very sweet. We prayed for one another and he blessed our team with many New Testaments to use during our outreach in the mountains. We praise the Lord for this man of God and the New Testaments he shared with us.
Later, the team arrived in Hualcallon (about 10,000 feet) and put those New Testaments to good use. We shared with many of the local children about the love of Jesus and prayed over them. Afterward we bonded with all of the kids with an intense game of soccer! The whole team demonstrated their soccer skills (or lack thereof) as we built a bridge of love in this village.
In the evening, we met Erasmo, a believer who is struggling with a painful hernia and to find work to support his daughters (two of whom we played soccer with). Rachel prayed over one of the daughters, who has some kind of mild mental disability, then I and the team lifted up Erasmo and all his needs. We trust that God will bless this brother and his family! Please join us in praying for them.
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
Wednesday, July 15
Today, the team hiked about three hours to reach Urus Cocha, a beautiful mountain lake sitting under Urus Mountain. Our trek brought us to about 12,300 feet. In the days ahead we'll reach heights closer to 16,000 feet.
Returning from Urus Cocha.
I’m so thankful for not only this time to acclimatize our bodies to the altitude, but I’m also thankful that the Lord has blessed HIS team with the opportunity to unite our hearts before we begin our trek and outreach. We had many great discussions during the trek and shared our testimonies at Urus Cocha after a small lunch. We concluded with a time of prayer and then made the two-hour hike back down.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20
Tuesday, July 14
Our team arrived in Huaraz at 8 p.m. (local time), after about nine hours on the road – driving from Lima. We praise God, not only for smooth travels but also for sweet fellowship, especially as we began our devotional booklet based on John 3:16.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
We’ll be looking at this beloved Bible verse throughout the days ahead. As part of our “devo time” today, we had some great discussion and prayer. One common theme was love. Our collective heart is to love our God, love one another and love all those whom God places in our path with His powerful and perfect love. Amen!
Monday, July 13
After numerous delays and making our connection without a minute to spare, Larry and I arrived in Lima, Peru just after 9 p.m. We were met by C4C’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat. Later, Kevin arrived, followed by Mike and Rachel.
We’ve been waiting for this day to come and are incredibly excited to be together. May the Lord have His good and perfect way.
Climbing For Christ will begin its fifth mission to Peru in five years on Monday, July 13. Time and time again we’ve seen a plentiful harvest in the Peruvian Andes. We’ve primarily ministered in the Cordillera Blanca range, although our team spent time serving in the Cordillera Huayhuash range on last year’s Mission: Peru 2014.
For our current mission, we’ll be heading to the Cordillera Blanca once again – albeit in an area new to us. Our trip will include a one-day acclimatization hike and then an eight-day trek to the remote Quechua farming communities in the northernmost area of the Cordillera Blanca. Throughout our trek, we’ll search for divine appointments to share the love and truth of Jesus, possibly deliver Bibles and even show the Jesus film. We’ll conclude our trek in Chalhua, a village where we’ve developed beautiful relationships over the past five years.
Putting the long-awaited finishing touches on the church at Chalhau. (Photo by Jaime Servat, June 2015)
Although this will be our fifth time in Chalhua, this visit won’t be like the others. We’re overjoyed to be able join the body of believers in this village for the dedication of the church that God has provided through C4C.
We’re incredibly blessed to have Michael and Rachel Wall from Durango, CO, joining me on this trip. Michael was a part of Mission: Peru 2014 and both have participated in other C4C missions. They’ll be joined this time by Kevin Atkinson of Evergreen, CO and Larry DeMejo from Rochester, NY, who are participating in their first C4C mission. C4C sponsored climber Edwin Milla will be leading the trek and our missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, will be joining us as well.
We look forward to all that our great God has in store. Please pray for this team, those the Lord would have us minister to, and all that He has planned.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10