Fiery Persecution in Pakistan
"But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one."
- 2 Thessalonians 3:3
One man’s alleged blasphemy against Islam quickly led to the homes of about 200 Christian families being vandalized and burned as they fled for their lives in Lahore, Pakistan on March 9. Two Christian churches were also burned as the mob of nearly 4,000 Muslim men took to the streets of Lahore.
Shortly after this incident, one of Climbing For Christ’s partner ministries, Save Pakistan, responded and went to Lahore to minister to the needs of those affected by the attack. In addition to the damage to the homes and churches, Haseeb Masih of Save Pakistan noted that “hundreds of Bibles” were also destroyed. He “found women and children are sitting in open air” with no “food, clothes, medical [attention] and shelter” as well.

Haseeb Masih ministering to a woman in Lahore.
Please join us in prayer for our dear brothers and sisters involved in this terrible event:
- Pray that God would strengthen and encourage them during this difficult time.
- Please pray for the ministry of Save Pakistan as well.
- May God protect our persecuted family and those who seek to serve them during this vulnerable time, and may He provide for their every practical and spiritual need.
CLICK HERE to see more general prayer needs for Pakistan.
In addition to your prayers, please consider standing with the 200 Christian families of Lahore financially in their time of need. Haseeb Masih has listed such immediate needs as: food, clothes, shoes, stoves, cookware, mattresses and water coolers for most of these families. Beyond these urgent needs, one of the most essential and healing gifts that can be given is the precious Word of God.

What's left of one of the Bibles that the mob got thier hands on.
Through what we call “Project Living Word,” we’ve been blessed to send God’s powerful Scriptures to places all over the globe – including Pakistan, where one Urdu language Bible costs about US$6.
Whether it's for Bibles or basic needs, any gift you would be willing to share with our brothers and sisters in Lahore, Pakistan would be greatly appreciated.
Send your donation to Climbing For Christ earmarked “Lahore, Pakistan Relief” or “Project Living Word - Pakistan.” Checks should be mailed to: Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or, as always, you can CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal. (Note: PayPal takes out a small fee for the transaction.)