Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

HIStory: Nepal

A letter to Climbing For Christ

Dear family:

Greetings in Jesus' name! There are so many things to praise God about. He is so good to us and He has brought many blessings through Climbing For Christ (C4C). I can proudly say that all that has  happened and is happening in Nepal is not by man's might but by His might and Spirit.

Miraculously, God introduced C4C to me in 2008 and since then we began to pray and work together to reach out to the lost of Nepal.

By God's grace C4C helped us build a church in Dapcha Kavre, where God's people are worshiping with gladness. That is where Sumitra's testimony was so powerful. Gopal Nepali from that church is studying theology in India with the support of C4C. Gopal plans to return to Nepal and serve as a pastor after he completes his four years.

Climbing For Christ also is so helpful to our children at the orphanage outside Kathmandu. We have several sponsors and C4C is helping our children get an education for their bright future. These children have the potential to become somebody for God and His people in the coming days. We have both boys and girls. Many times we don't see immediate results from our investment, but we must be sure that we are investing for eternity and that will bring a great harvest and reward.

By God's grace we were able to distribute 1,000 Nepali Bibles to people who didn't have one. I also got a Handy Recorder for Radio Ministry.

C4C has been an effective means to reach the lost of Nepal. This relationship connected us to climbing guide Megh, who is also Christian and does pastoral ministry. We were able to build another church in Rolpa.

Now we are focusing to build a church in capital city of Nepal. We have already purchased land and are in the process of laying foundation. By His mercy we have received some funds and we are praying for rest of the funds to come.

In November 2012, we had two C4C teams visit Nepal. One for trekking and another for the orphanage. The team that served the children also ministered to the women at SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) church in Kathmandu. Their ministry impacted and changed the attitudes of one of the participants and she began praying for her family to come to Christ. God honored her prayer and obedient heart and her whole family came to Christ.

The entire C4C team also walked around the Okhareni VDC Sindhuli District to a village in the Central-East region of Nepal. They shared the Gospel there and worked very hard to reach that place. At that time they didn't see results, but after a year one of our church members who was with that team returned to the village and started new fellowship. Now that fellowship is going on and people are coming to Christ.

Thank God for C4C ministry. The first time when I heard about Climbing For Christ I thought it was an agency to take people trekking and have adventures. But by seeing the nature of its ministry and being involved in it I came to this point where I know it is a different climbing agency than others because it holds eternal values, not earthly costs and money.

In 2013, C4C invited me to the USA for two weeks of ministry among a Nepalese-speaking community (in Rochester, N.Y., where C4C is based).

I want to thank each one who is part of this ministry and investing something of eternal value through it. God bless each one of you richly.

In His Kingdom,

Apostle Tej Rokka
SARA Church Council
Kathmandu, Nepal
Sept. 6, 2013


Climbing For Christ has ministered in Nepal since 2008. Highlights of this ministry include:

  • Providing funding to build two churches (the first in Central Nepal and the second in the Mid-West), and to begin work on a home church in Kathmandu;
  • Financial support for orphans cared for by a partner ministry in Nepal;
  • Delivery of more than 1,000 Nepali Bibles;
  • Witnessing to many in a nation that is 97.4 percent unreached, according to the Joshua Project. Nepal’s population of 31.2 million is 75 percent Hindu, 16 percent Buddhist, 4.4 percent Muslim, and 2.8 percent Christian. But the number of Christians has nearly doubled in the past decade, and the church continues to grow in a country (formerly a Hindu Kingdom) where Christianity was outlawed until the early 1950s.

Get involved

PRAY for the growth of the church in Nepal. GIVE to support orphans (through our Project 1:27), the construction of a church building in Kathmandu, the purchase of Nepali Bibles, pastors who are partnering with C4C, and future short-term mission trips. GO on a Mission: Nepal expedition. E-mail to request a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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