In Memorium: Jaime Servat
Good and faithful Servat
By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ
Jaime giving a Bible to a schoolgirl in Chalhua, the Cordillera Blanca village where Climbing For Christ built a church.
Jaime Servat dreamed of big mountains. He envisioned GO-ing to those mountains in the name of Jesus.
The dream occurred in 1992. The vision came in 1998.
In the latter, Jaime heard God’s voice, instructing him: “Son, you will go to the mountains and bring My name up and down them, and I will go before you and many will come to Me, others will not, and some will be healed. So, GO and I will be with you always!”
On Aug. 8, 2019, God called Jaime home to be with Him. Jaime’s battle with cancer ended in victory – in the arms of Jesus. He was 59 years old. No doubt the Father’s voice this time said: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Jaime started GO-ing for God a few years after that 1998 vision. And he knew in his heart that one day the Lord would send other workers to accompany him.
He discovered Climbing For Christ in 2006. He was our 321st member. In 2010, he reached out to us for help getting from his native Peru to Ecuador and Colombia. In a story now famous, Climbing For Christ provided US $204.82 for bus fare and travel expenses. It was one of our wisest investment decisions, producing returns that will continue until we’re all reunited with our dear brother in Christ.
Jaime began serving as Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru in 2011. He was a light – a man of humor, quick to cry and even quicker to share the Gospel.
There are many stories about Jaime. Some are told on our Web site, such as “Go and obey a vision of God” and “The cost of a soul? Priceless.” His “Mission Moments” reports also can be found throughout the site.
But those are only the tip of the peak. There is much more that runs beneath, including overcoming the loss of family and fighting through illness. In all things, good and bad, he would finish his sentences with “so praise God!”
In May 2019 he returned from his latest ventures into Ecuador and Colombia more seriously ill. He was diagnosed with cancer. He has been undergoing treatment since, as Climbing For Christ continued to support him, pray with and for him, and tried to encourage him.
On Aug. 8, we received an email from his sister Cecilia, stating simply: “Today at dawn our dear brother Jaime passed away. No more suffering…” Our loss is heaven’s gain.
¡Three Amigos! (left to right): Jordan, Jaime and Gary in the Cordillera Huayhuash during Mission: Peru 2014.
In recent years, Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley spent the most time with Jaime. He writes:
“I truly considered Jaime to be a dear friend. We served the Lord together since 2011, including seven Climbing For Christ missions in the Cordillera Blanca, Negra and Huayhuash of the Peruvian Andes. During every expedition I saw Jaime’s incredible heart for our teams and his insatiable passion for the lost. If Jaime wasn’t sleeping, he was either sharing Christ, putting a smile on someone’s face or trying to help in some other way – all the while wearing his heart on his sleeve. I grew to truly love that about him.
“Jaime was a kingdom builder. He’s been a part of the salvation stories of hundreds of souls over the years. He prayed over countless people with various ailments, seeing many receive miraculous healing. He delivered New Testaments to many living in the remote mountain villages. He helped construct a church in the village of Chalhua. For all this and so much more, I praise God for Jaime.
“Toward the end of Jaime’s time on Earth, I spoke with him by video often. Jaime told me that he was quietly trusting in God. He seemed to be at peace with either a healing or Heaven. During our last conversation Jaime told me, ‘In the future, we will see the Lord.’ Amen.
“Matthew 5:8 says, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,’ and few seem to have purer hearts than Jaime did. I can’t begin to imagine the beauty of what he is beholding right now. But one day we’ll all enjoy it together. Until then, hasta luego, mi hermano especial. So praise God.” 
The final Word
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20