Gary Fallesen / Thursday, October 23, 2014 / Categories: C4C Canada Listen to the LORD By Brandy Everts C4C Canada coordinator Brandy Everts with a young goat and the attention of many women in a village in Morocco. (Photo by Gary Fallesen) Climbing For Christ is not about a job; it’s about Jesus. C4C is about going to unreached areas of the world and sharing Jesus. It’s about hiking in 40ºC (104 ºF) heat to share Jesus with one man in a Nigerian village who has never believed. It’s about playing volleyball at 10,000 feet with 16-year-old girls and sharing the reason why we are hiking in the part of Nepal that they call “home.” It’s about sharing His glorious name with the world so that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. We have one calling, one purpose on earth, and it’s to bring glory to Him. And that’s what C4C does. C4C Canada C4C Canada was a dream that Climbing For Christ president Gary Fallesen had and held in his heart until God wanted to make it happen. In December 2011, while sitting in a sweltering hot Nigerian hotel, Gary asked me if I would come on staff and begin setting up C4C Canada. At first I saw C4CC acting both as a financial conduit to send more support money into the nations, and as a conduit to send more Canadians to the nations. Even though that was a good start, God had more planned. The “forgotten mission field” in Canada, as many refer to it, is the North – the Arctic. People live there. These people are searching for the Truth. The perfect place for Climbing For Christ, eh? God is calling, “Who will go for us?” Who will answer, “Here I am. Send me!”? There is so much of God’s work to do, but we ask: “What can I do?” Romans 12:1 states, “Present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice unto the Lord.” That perfectly says it all – offer yourself to God. Begin by praying. When God says, “Do something,” be obedient and do it. When He says “give,” give; when He says “GO” – pack your bag! Continue to trust and share Jesus, because that’s what life’s all about. FOR HIS GLORY! Brandy Everts joined Climbing For Christ before Mission: Possible 2009, an Evangelic Expedition into a closed nation. She didn’t know if she would do another trip with C4C; now she works for the ministry. Why? Because God told her to do so. This story by Brandy originally appeared in The Climbing Way (Volume 28, 10th Anniversary issue). C4C Pakistan Prayer Video Pray unceasingly for the persecuted Print 3016 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author