Michael Heitland

Michael Heitland, left, on the summit of Kilimanjaro in 2011.
Nationality: American. Occupation: Director of Equipping Saints For Ministry (ES4M). Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2011 & 2013, Morocco 2013, Nigeria 2011, and Nepal 2012 and 2013.
How long have you climbed? About 10 years. Type of climbing you do: Mountaineering. Highlight of climbing career: I would have to say summiting Kilimanjaro in 2011 during Mission: Kilimanjaro!
How long have you been a Christian? I consider my spiritual birthday to be September 1996. This was the start of a long road of sanctification and God has been faithful in working to conforming me to Christ's image. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: I serve in Men's Ministry at my home church and I am the Director of Equipping Saints For Ministry.
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Psalm 96:3. “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” This verse is currently my favorite because of the weight the Lord has put on my heart for global missions. As John Piper writes in his opening to Let The Nations Be Glad, missions exist because worship doesn't.
Special “God moment” you'd like to share: In July of 2011 I found myself jobless overnight. In this experience, the Lord brought me to the end of myself and propelled me to take action on my calling. From this experience, which I believe was the reality of a loving Father who disciplines His children, I launched a non-profit (ES4M) with a focus on fulfilling the great “omission,” that is equipping indigenous pastors for the work of ministry.
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? C4C has opened my eyes to a very real hole in global missions (the most "unreachable" people groups). I am sold on C4C's missions work in general and Gary's heart for the nations in particular.